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Crystal watched curiously as RM controlled the cameras with a little remote in his hand. They'd decided not to have a camera crew, just so the atmosphere would be more intimate for herself and Sehee, who were not used to being on live camera.

Joon turns on the first camera and makes sure the others were on standby before he hits the live record button, connecting them to Vlive on the laptop. The cameras were of such good quality, they didn't even need to be fitted with mics.

"Hello ARMY, welcome!" he greets a few times in both English and Korean, waiting for the views to roll in.

In no time at all, there were already almost 10 million viewers, all ARMY tuning in at the promised time.

"Alright ARMY, I'm sure most if not all of you have heard the great news about Jungkook and Suga. For those that don't know, they've both found their soulmates," Joon smiles, trying to get everyone excited.

"That's actually what brings us here today. I'm here today will all the members as well as the two newest members of our family—Jungkook's lovely soulmate, Sehee and Suga's lovely soulmate, Crystal," he announces, turning on the other two cameras.

Everyone smiles and waves at the camera nearest to them, saying brief greetings before Joon continues.

"The girls were nice enough to agree to doing a special, interview style V-live so that we can get to know them better as well as get more acquainted with you guys. They are both ARMY after all. We've all prepared some questions for them and Jin will be pulling questions from the chat as we go. I ask that everyone remains positive and respectful. As I said before, the girls are family and we are celebrating having them here with us," Joon says, and the others nod along, showing their agreement.

"With that being said, I'll start off the questions. Crystal, Sehee, what year were you born? How old are you?" Joon asks, sounding like a news anchor.

They look over at each other and Sehee gestures for her to go first.

"I'm a 95 liner so I'm 26 international age and 27 Korean age," Crystal answers, folding her hands in her lap.

"Woot woot!" Jimin and V holler, making her laugh.

"And I'm a 96 liner so I'm 24 international age and 25 Korean age," Sehee answers once they settle down.

"Alright, next question—where are you from and when did you move to Korea?" Joon asks, reading off the card he'd prepared.

"Oldest first unnie," Sehee says when she and Crystal look at each other to see who's going first.

"Okay I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, but we moved to Los Angeles, California USA when I was 2. I moved to Seoul, South Korea when I was 8 years old," she says, answering in both Korean and English.

"I was born and raised in Amarillo, Texas USA, moved to Los Angeles, California USA for college, and moved to Seoul for work after I graduated," Sehee answers.

"Okay ARMY wants to know what college you went to, what you majored in, and what you do for work now Sehee. Same for Crystal then," Jin says, on chat duty.

"They took one of my questions," Tae pouts.

"But you actually know what they do Taehyungie," Jin laughs.

"But I don't know what Crystal majored in," he says.

"Okay Sehee will go first this time and then Crystal. You'll find out the answer along with ARMY, see," Jin says.

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