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Crystal stood in the kitchen making açaí bowls as a late breakfast for everyone. It was around 11am and shortly after noon, they'd be heading to the venue where the awards would be held. The boys had rehearsals and then they'd all get dressed and ready at a nearby hotel that was already booked in advance.

Currently, she and Sehee were amusing Joon, JK, and Yoongi with their list of 1000 things that could go wrong on the red carpet.

"Oof, I felt so bad for Kim. If security lets someone get that close to me, I'd be livid. I'm fighting everybody," Crystal says, referring to when Kim K got flour poured all over her.

"Imagine the headlines," JK laughs, clapping his hands together.

"I know right?! Ha! I just got the wildest visual," Sehee cackles, making them laugh harder.

Crystal's phone rings, her cousin Kelly's contact flashing across her phone. She wipes her hands on a towel and answers the call.

"What's up Kelly?"

"Girl...tell me what you would do in this situation," she starts, making Crystal frown.

"Ah hell, what happened?"

"Just tell me what you would do if you walked up and saw your husband's best friend, who happens to be a female, sitting on his lap."

"First of all, I'd like to think my man wouldn't be that stupid, but I'll entertain you...I would lose my shit immediately because why? What was the reason? Even if there were no other chairs in the room, somebody better stand up," Crystal says, placing her hands on her hips.

Everyone gives her a questioning look and she holds up her finger.

"Thank you! I knew I had to call you because everybody's treating me like I'm overreacting when I know I'm not," Kelly huffs, her voice shaking.

"Hold up Kelly, this happened? With Joe? Someone was sitting in his lap?!" Crystal asks, shocked to the core.

Joe had been in their family for a long time. He and Kelly have been together since high school and he was always so fun to be around. She didn't take his as the type to be unfaithful, but you can't put it past anyone these days.

"His friend, Hilary. You should remember her. You didn't like her when you met her."

"That boujie bitch with the whiny voice? I knew there was something about her that seemed off. Tell me you snatched her ass up," Crystal squints, deep frowns across her forehead as she resumes chopping fruit.

Sehee was holding on to every word like she was watching a Kdrama, ready for the tea.

"Girl, she's not even worth it. I just turned around and walked away. I text him and told him to come get his shit. They can have each other."

"You are a better woman than I Kelly. You know I'm not violent like that. I like to keep the peace. I'm too pretty to fight, but that was a guaranteed ass whooping for both of them. I would've acted a whole damn fool. I see where you're coming from, but I'm pissed for you. Are you okay?"

"I'm...numb. I just have so many questions. When I came in, everyone was looking at me like they saw a ghost. Now I know why. I want to know how long."

"This was in public?!"

"Yes girl, some mutual friends of ours was throwing a party at a bar. I told Joe to go ahead. I didn't think I would be able to make it, but I finished up with work early so I decided to surprise them."

"The fucking audacity. And mutual friends my ass! They were looking at you like that because they knew what was happening, which most likely means they're used to it. Girl, when I tell you I would've fought everybody. Those damned "mutual friends" would've caught these hands too for playing in your face like that!"

"Ugh! Let me call you back. They've both been blowing my phone up and now the doorbells ringing. I bet it's his stupid ass," Kelly says.

"Okay, call me back and let me know," Crystal says before they bid each other goodbye.

"Girl! Kelly's sweet husband Joe?!" Sehee bursts, her hand up to her mouth in shock.

"Same thing I was thinking! She caught him at a party with his "best friend" sitting in his lap," Crystal confirms, turning around grab the bowls down out of the cabinet.

"That's unfortunate," Joon cringes, sipping on his coffee.

"She must be devastated," JK says, his eyes wide and sympathetic.

"She says she's numb for now, but I know my cousin. She might need bail by the end of the night. I'd gladly give it to her too because he got her fucked up," She says, pouring the purple mixture into bowls.

"Is Ms. Future Lawyer condoning violence?" Yoongi asks, making her crack an amused smirk.

"You're damned right I am. If you ever tried some shit like that, I would fuck you up in a heartbeat Min Yoongi. I just want you to know that," she says, pointing her knife at him.

"Woah! Why am I being threatened?!" he exclaims, making them laugh.

"I was just letting you know. I don't tolerate disrespect. If you wouldn't do it in front of me, don't do it when I'm not around. Dishonesty is a sure fire way to bring out the crazy bitch in me and I promise you wouldn't like her," she shrugs, going back to assembling the bowls.

"So this is what your mother was talking about," he shakes his head, sipping his coffee.

"This is peak Gemini behavior. You'd better watch yourself Suga," Sehee teases.

"I'm not worried about my sweet, little Crystal hurting me. Not at all," he grins as Crystal walks in his direction.

"And long as you behave, I'll treat you like a King. Misbehave and I'll be forced to punish you," she grins back, setting his bowl down in front of him with a flirty wink.

"I think I just got whiplash," JK mutters, making them laugh.

"Oh, hush Mr. My Time," Crystal says, making him chuckle as she passes him and Sehee their bowls.

She grabs her bowl and Joon's, sitting his down in front of him before placing herself in Yoongi's lap.

"Don't worry Crys, you're the only woman that has a place in this lap," he whispers, making her giggle.

"What if a woman throws herself in your lap though?" she asks, squinting as she waits for him to answer the question.

"Really Crys?" he laughs, but she simply raises a brow, awaiting a real answer.

"Armys' aren't above it Yoongi and neither are groupies," she tsks.

"You'd better answer wisely hyung," Joon teases.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to say the wrong thing," Sehee teases, looking over at him.

"Fine. If a woman that's not you throws herself in my lap, then I'd throw her off me," he shrugs, bursting out laughing when Crystal beams at his response.

"We'll done soulmate. That's what I like to hear," she says before digging into her bowl happily.

"You kind of scare me woman," he mutters.

But I like it.

A/N: Filler. I thought I'd treat you to this scenario my coworker and I were talking about last night.

What would you do if you in that situation?

I'm much like Crystal. I'm not really violent, but I definitely would've slapped them both 😅

Gotta do what you gotta do 🤷🏾‍♀️

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now