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"So we're rehearsing early tomorrow instead of today?" Yoongi asks, making sure he heard correctly.

"Yeah, something about the set design," Joon confirms.

"Oh well, more free time for us," JK shrugs, practically running back upstairs.

"You know what that means for us," Jimin asks, looking over to Tae.

"Shopping of course," he replies, thrusting his fist into the air.

"Count me in, I'm gonna go change" Hobi says, tapping his fingers on the table before getting up to leave.

Yoongi remains quiet, yawning a little as he hauls himself out of his chair. A nap and some cuddling with his soulmate was always something to look forward to. He loves being wrapped up in her legs, his head on her chest while her fingers raked through his hair. Just thinking about it made him smile.

"Hyung, where's Crystal? We want to invite her out with us. We haven't really had the chance to bond yet and I still owe her for her birthday," Tae says, making his smile drop.

"Why the long face hyung? Don't want to share your soulmate?" Jimin grins, taking note of the elder's crestfallen expression.

"Well I was hoping for a nap, but I guess that's off the table now," he sighs dramatically.

"You slept with her all night hyung. Go nap by yourself and stop hogging her," Tae exclaims.

"That's the thing. They probably didn't sleep. You know they had a date last night," Jimin says, wiggling his brows.

"Oh yeah, that's why she was cooking last night. How was it hyung?" Tae asks.

"It was good. We did some painting afterwards. Anyways, I'll go tell her to come down," he says, getting away from the line of questions that would be sure to follow.

He loves his members, but they could be nosey as hell sometimes.

"Speak of the devil," he says, spying the lady of the hour at the top of the stairs talking with Jin.

"Who, me?" she asks and he nods.

"Tae, Jimin, and Hobi are going shopping and invited you," he says.

"Well don't sound too excited about it," Jin says, making Crystal giggle.

"Right. What's so bad about that? Let me guess, you want to sleep?" she asks and he narrows his eyes, the expression letting her know she was right.

"Yah, sleep by yourself! She's not your pillow," Jin exclaims.

"You tell him Jin" Crystal co-signs, her hands on her hips.

Yoongi puts his own hands on his hips, tsking and shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

"You think you know people," he mutters before walking past them in the direction of he and Crystal's bed.

She follows behind a few seconds later, amused when she sees he's laying across the bed with one arm over his face.

"Cheer up buttercup, you said you wanted to get some writing done. You should do that since you supposedly can't nap without me," she teases, walking in their closet to change out of her oversized tee and running shorts for a nice sundress and sandals.

"That's actually not a bad idea," he mutters, but doesn't move from his position.

"How do I look?" she asks, fastening her second hoop earring and making sure her watch was on securely.

"Gorgeous, as always," he sighs, grabbing her hand and placing a soft kiss on her knuckles when she sits on the edge of the bed next to him.

"Thanks...do you really not want me to go?" she asks and he shakes his head.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now