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Crystal poured over her schoolwork, determined to finish as much of her International Tax courses' work as she could. It was her hardest class and it legit made her eye twitch in annoyance, which is why she wanted to get it done now under minimal stress. She had no idea what being on tour would be like so she wanted to get all the important stuff done before she left, which was proving to be a real pain in the ass on top of the cases she had to look over and assign to the interns by the end of the week.

"Why do I even need to know this?" she groans, flipping through the workbook she'd have to complete.

"I don't know what you're working on but you look like you want to burn it," Sehee chuckles, looking up from her laptop.

"International taxes. It's so annoying. I will literally never need this shit," she groans, tossing the book on the table in front of her.

"Someone's frustrated," Yoongi says, sitting next to his pouty soulmate, slinging his arm over her shoulder.

"What's go you so worked up?" Joon asks, picking up the book.

"Ugh, stupid taxes. I'm convinced Lucifer himself put this on my curriculum," she says, making them laugh.

"Oof, this is tough," Joon grimaces, placing the book back on the table.

"If he thinks it's tough then it must be. Do you need help? We can get you a tutor," Yoongi offers, looking down at her with worry.

Lately, she'd been at it non stop with the school work as well as doing things here and there for work. He worried that she'd stretch herself too thin and burn out at the rate she was going. She was a true workaholic, working for hours at a time until he or Sehee reminded her to eat or sleep. Even then, she'd claim she just needed a little longer—a little often turning into working overnight.

"No thanks, I'm fine. I can do it. I just don't like to. It's so much. I swear these professors must think we don't have lives outside of school," she rolls her eyes, picking the book up again.

She felt a bit more at ease nestled into Yoongi's side while she worked so he kept his arm around her since he was finished with his fittings for the day. The other members were finishing theirs and the ones that were getting different hair colors would be starting the bleaching process today. Currently, they sat in the stylists' quarters on a big leather sofa while they waited on the other members.

The hair stylists filed into the room and started setting up their stations, one doing a double take when she sees Yoongi's arm around Crystal.

Ah, hell. Incoming," Sehee mumbles, making Crystal look up at her in confusion.

"So this is the woman that sued the company and got Mina fired and you're all buddy buddy with her?" the unknown woman asks, frowning down at Yoongi and Crystal.

"Oh you mean the woman that saved both our lives by getting the company's attention when we were on the brink of death? Oh...and the woman that got Mina, the rude employee who clearly didn't care whether he or I lived or died fired? Then yes, that's me, Crystal. And you are?" Crystal asks, placing her book back on the table so she could face the woman—her own frown in place.

The woman looks at her in shock—whether it was from being talked to that way or the fact that Crystal was a fluent speaker she didn't know.

"Hana, let's not do this. Everyone could see that Mina was getting more and more hostile by the day and it was only a matter of time before she was going to be let go anyways. Your problem is with me, not Crystal so don't," Yoongi says sternly.

"No, I think we should. Did you tell your soulmate here why Mina was so hostile? It seems like you forget the reason why," Hana snarks back.

"Crystal, Mina and I had a one night stand. I let her know from the beginning it was a one time thing but she thought she could convince me otherwise. Long story short, she didn't and she got hostile because I didn't want her anymore. It was a moment of weakness on my part a year ago and I've been celibate ever since. I should've never mixed business with pleasure," he says, matter of factly.

"Okay, sounds like your friend was a bad lay and got her ego hurt. This makes her even more despicable actually. How could she allow him to die over her own pride? This will make suing her even more satisfying," Crystal smirks up at Hana, who's eyes widen dramatically.

"You're suing her too? The company not paying you enough?" she spits angrily.

"Actually, I'm only suing her. Suing Bighit was just a way to get their attention so we wouldn't die as I clearly stated earlier. Also, you'd better watch how you talk to me or you'll be next on the list," Crystal says pointing a manicured nail towards the woman in warning.

She rolls her eyes as the woman stomps away, grabbing her bag from her station and leaving—the other stylists watching her with varying expressions.

Crystal grabbed her book and pencil from the table and sat back in Yoongi's embrace, starting on her work again.

"What did I miss?!" JK asks, sliding into the room.

"Everything! I told you to come right away. Crystal just owned Hana and trashed Mina in true bad bitch fashion," Sehee grins.

Crystal shakes her head at their antics, trying to swallow down the annoyance that woman had provoked. Everything about the situation irritated her now, especially knowing that Mina bitch had touched her soulmate intimately.

"I'm sorry she came at you like that. It wasn't her place and I'll make sure she pays for it," Yoongi apologizes, making her shake her head.

"Not your fault but I must say that you have terrible taste in women. No wonder the universe picked one for you," she says, making Sehee and JK laugh.

"Ooh, damn Crystal. You ain't have to do him like that," Sehee laughs, doubling over on the couch.

"Ouch," Yoongi says, fake crying from the burn he received.

Just like that, things were back to normal between the two

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Just like that, things were back to normal between the two. Crystal respected that he told the truth and she would've been foolish to think that other women hadn't come before her. She just wished it hadn't been that wench.

Yoongi was glad she was mature enough to handle what he'd told her as well as stand her ground. He'd be willing to step in on her behalf of course but the fact that he didn't have to was sexy to him. He likes a woman that isn't afraid to say how she feels and Crystal definitely didn't have any qualms with that. The more time he spends around her, the more he questions whether it's the bond or her personality that's making him fall head over heels for her—and he couldn't bring himself to mind it either way.

A/N: Crystal is stressing, but not over these hoes okay? 🤣

Hana tried it 😭

Sehee and JK being nosey as usual!

Yoongi being an honest, transparent king 👑

Crystal roasting my guy for his taste in women 🤣

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now