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Yoongi sat in the back of the car, getting more nervous with every stop. He'd never had to meet a woman's family before and he was praying he'd make a better impression on them than he did her. The last thing he wanted was her hating him more than she already did. Every time he looked at her, he regretted his actions, but had no idea where to begin to fix it.

Meanwhile, Crystal was handling things with her school over the phone, not paying him any mind as they stopped at the bank and then the Apple store.

He watches in annoyance as every head on the street turns her way when she exits the store, holding a big Apple bag in each hand.

'Why the fuck are so many of them staring? Just glance and move on people,' he gripes mentally.

He frowns when the driver jumps out to help her, wishing he could've done it instead.

'She doesn't even like you anyways,' he reminds himself as she climbs back in the car.

To his surprise, she holds her hand out to him and he hurriedly grasps it with his, worried for her health. She sighs softly, lying her head back on the seat and staring out the window. He does the same, a small smile threatening to form until he reminds himself once again.

'She's only holding your hand because she has to...but at least she needs you as much as you need her.'

"Just so you know, my little brother has autism so he may talk your ears off about legos if he chooses to interact. Just smile and nod," she says softly and he nods, shooting her a small smile to let her know he understood.


Yoongi sat on the floor in front of the coffee in Crystal's living room playing legos with her little brother, Christian. He was a bright boy that liked to build complex shapes and Yoongi enjoyed the younger boy's excited chatter. It made him miss this time in his life where the only thing that mattered was his toys—no pressure, no problems, no adulting.

Crystal was in her room grabbing things she needed, her mother and sisters accompanying her. They'd given him a warm welcome and he could tell her sisters were holding back their excitement, which he was honestly grateful for.

They all looked alike, Crystal and her mom being the most similar. Her siblings had skin tones similar to hers but their features were clearly Asian. He figured that was due to the man in the pictures around the house.

"That's my dad, Jihoon. Mom and Crystal say he's in heaven," Christian says, catching him looking around at all the pictures.

There were different family pictures above the fireplace mantle, starting with just Crystal, Jihoon, and a heavily pregnant Nadia(her mother). There were pictures taken during and after each pregnancy up until Christian was born.

The other walls held pictures of the kids doing various things, mostly playing outside or in the house and he noticed that Crystal was in most of the pictures. He could clearly see she wasn't just saying she raised these kids. These photos were the blueprint so to speak.

"She took all those so I wouldn't miss out on the kids' milestones. I worked so much I missed everything," Nadia says, sitting on the couch behind Christian, ruffling his curly hair.

"That was thoughtful of her," he says, looking back at the wall.

"Mhm, that's my Crystal. She's the most selfless person I know. She's a little rough around the edges but she has a heart of gold. I'm about to make lunch. Are you allergic to anything?" she asks, giving him a warm smile.

"No ma'am," he answers and she nods, getting up from the couch and making her way into the kitchen.

'Note to self: Find a good anti aging cream. Crystal won't be aging anytime soon.'

Nadia could pass for a woman in her thirties and Crystal could still pass for a teen if she wanted.

"Absolutely not. Stay out of my jewelry. You're always losing yours so that lets me know you're not responsible enough to wear mine," Crystal says as she comes around the corner with two huge suitcases.

"Well can I at least wear your hats"Cheyenne pleads, making her roll her eyes.

"You can wear them but put them back where you found them. Don't touch anything else because I'll know," Crystal warns.

"I won't, I promise," Cheyenne shrieks excitedly, sticking her pinky out.

Crystal links it with hers and they seal it with their thumbs, the wholesome moment making Yoongi wish that he and his older brother had been closer when he was growing up.

Lunch went fairly well until the subject of Crystal leaving in three weeks came up. Natalia, who hadn't said much all evening, had pouted, exclaiming that three weeks was too fast—prompting Christian to join.

Yoongi made small talk with Nadia and Cheyenne as Crystal took the two maknaes away to talk, only coming back with one. He could tell she was sad. Blue streaks had been swimming in his vision since she'd left.

"We should get going while he's sleeping," she says, prompting Yoongi to stand.

"I'll be in touch. We really need to get those shoots done before I leave...and show Christian how to use his iPad please. I didn't set it up. Make sure he has my number in there so he can FaceTime me," she instructs as Naudia walks them out.

"Will do love. Go get some rest. It was nice meeting you, Yoongi," she says, hugging them both.

Yoongi grabs one of her suitcases and they make their way out to her black Audi Q7, placing them in the trunk. They figured earlier that they would drive back in her car. She'd most likely need it during these three weeks before she left—considering she didn't want to call a driver every time she wanted to go somewhere.

She climbs into the driver side and starts to search for something, breathing a sigh of relief when she came across her vape pen. Of course it was dead though so she connects it to the charger before pulling out of the driveway.

Her nerves were frayed after her talk with  Christian which resulted in him crying himself to sleep in her arms. He had never been without her and this change was going to be tough on him considering he thrived off routine. She hated seeing him cry and she knew that she'd be getting lots of calls from him.

Yoongi noticed the way her hands shook slightly while she drove. Her face wasn't giving anything away but her body language screamed anxious.

"I could drive if you need me to," he says cautiously, not trying to offend her in any way.

At first, he thought he'd been ignored, but a few minutes later, she pulled over and got out, prompting him to do the same. They switched places quickly and he adjusted things to his liking before pulling off again.

Crystal closed her eyes and slipped her shoes off, pulling her knees up to her chest. She leant her head against the window, the sight making Yoongi sad as well.

If it wasn't for him dropping that stupid ring, none of this would be happening.

'I wish I knew how to make you feel better.'

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now