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-3 months later-

Crystal paced across the living room floor at her mother's house, her shot nerves making it almost impossible to sit. She looks up at the clock ever so often and tsks. What was taking so damned long?

Yoongi sat watching her, his rapidly bouncing knee showing that her nerves were affecting him too. Her mother watches her too, a calm and proud smile on her face even though she didn't know for sure what would be in the envelope that would be delivered any minute now.

She could hear her siblings clambering around the kitchen, cleaning up after the brunch they'd just eaten—more like picked at for Crystal.

"I'm not understanding why you're so nervous. You said you felt like you did well," Yoongi stresses, his eyes following her movements.

"I did, but I've heard so many stories of people feeling the exact same way and failing miserably. It was a really difficult test Yoongi, at least 5 times worse than the CSAT," she explains.

"Have some faith in yourself Sweet Pea. You haven't failed a test since elementary school age and even then, you asked to take it again and aced it. I have no doubt in my mind that you passed it," Nadia says, her warm and motherly smile brightening.

"I have no doubt either, but even if you did; you can just take it again. It's not going anywhere jagi," Yoongi says, his soft tone making her shoulders relax a bit.

Before she could respond, the sound of a truck driving up the driveway caught her attention. She turns to face the door and pauses, listening for when the mail man's footsteps. Striding over to the door, she opens it just as he steps onto the porch, his expression letting her know that she'd scared him a little.

"Hello, sorry," she apologizes and takes the envelope from his hand.

She looks down at it as she closes the door behind her. As expected, it was from the NBEA, short for National Bar Exam Association. The Bar exam is an exam administered to everyone who wanted to legally practice law. It was what made you officially a lawyer, not school. You could be doing exceptionally well in school and none of that would matter if you didn't pass it. It's more than a big deal to her. It's the final step of her educational journey and she and Yoongi had flown in on their break about a week prior so she could take it alongside her classmates here in Korea.

She imagined herself ripping that envelope open as soon as it was in her grasp, but now she found herself just staring down at it. Her nerves spiked again. Maybe she was being dramatic, but passing it on the first try was a really, big goal for her. Graduation was in a week and it wouldn't feel right accepting that degree if she hadn't even passed the Bar. She'd have to schedule another time to take it and who knows when she could with BTS's tour starting back up soon.

"I can't open it. You do it Mom," she says, passing her the envelope.

"If you're sure SweetPea," she says, holding onto the envelope as she searched her daughter's face.

"I'm sure. I got this degree for us. You above anyone else has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly—so you do the honors please," she says, mustering up a smile.

Yoongi stands behind her, his hands massaging her shoulders as her mom opens the envelope with her nails, her eyes teary. She holds the empty envelope in her other hand as she pulls the folded papers out and starts to read over them, her expression serious.

"Crys," she starts, her voice emotional.

"Not only did you pass baby, you scored a 357," she cheers, happy tears streaming down her face.

"What?!" Crys exclaims, in a state of shock as her mother hugs her.

400 is the highest score possible on the bar, but a 330 was in the top 1% or all scores. Therefore, anything beyond that was astonishing. Only a certain few people had scored beyond that and she was now one of them.

Yoongi back hugs her after her mother lets her go and she turns in his arms and starts bawling as the stress practically rolled off her shoulders. All her work had finally paid off. She was officially finished with school and couldn't be happier about it. These past few months had been hell as her final assignments had taken a huge toll on her. She had to abide by a strict schedule and start working out with JK just to avoid going back to vaping. Now, she's finally made it through.

Yoongi rubs her back soothingly, his own eyes watering her he congratulates her. He hadn't seen her struggle from the beginning, but he'd most certainly seen it over the past few months. She worked tirelessly on school work and business collabs within reason while maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle so that their energy wouldn't be off when he performed. She'd worked her ass off and she was finally at the finish line. He was happy for this full circle moment and above all, he was proud.

"Congratulations!" the kids exclaim, coming out of the kitchen with a cake that said the same.

"Thank you," she smiles, taking the tissue her mother had given her to wipe her face.

"You deserve it sis," Cheyenne grins.

"Yeah, we should be thanking you," Natalia beams up at her.

"Thank you Cryssy," Christian says, holding his arms out for a hug.

"You guys are going to make me cry again," she says, fanning her eyes as she pulls him into her arms and blows out the candles on the cake.

"Whew, we've done enough of that. Let's go cut this cake. I'll make some coffee honey. I've got to call your Aunt Tab," her mom says, patting her cheek before ushering the kids back into the kitchen.

Baffled at the sudden change in energy, she turns to look at Yoongi and he's down on one knee behind her, her ring shining brilliantly from the ring box in his hand.

"I know we said we'd wait until after graduation, but I couldn't think of a better time than today. Will you do me the honor of wearing this ring?" he asks and she nods through watery eyes, perching herself on his knee as he took the ring out of the box and slid it on her ring finger.

After JK and Sehee announced their engagement, most ARMY took it well, but there were some bad apples of course. Among those were apparently people who thought that Yoongi would never put a ring on her finger for whatever delusional reasons they'd come up with. It didn't help that when the boys did interviews, despite JK and Sehee being together for over a year before they'd gotten engaged; people still made it a thing to ask Yoongi when he would propose to her. It bothered him more than he'd let on that he couldn't tell them to shut the fuck up because he already had. He doesn't appreciate the nay say surrounding the status of their relationship and when she walks across that stage as Valedictorian of her class next week, he wants the people to see that she has it all—beauty, smarts, and his heart. She was worthy of it all.

They kiss for an undetermined amount of time, just their lips pressed together sweetly. Crys was on cloud 9 today and though she was already thinking about the steps she'd have to take to get justice for her family, she didn't let it rain on her parade. All she could see were days of sunshine ahead.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now