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The house was bustling the morning after, everyone getting ready to pack their things in preparation to leave the next day.

"Do you need any laundry done? I'm about to do a load of colored clothes," Crystal says, grabbing the sack she kept her dirty clothes in.

"I did the little I had last night after the sheets," Yoongi replies and she nods, heading downstairs to the laundry room.

After she's done loading her clothes, she walks back through the kitchen, spying Joon, Jin, and Hobi at the dining table.

"Crys! We're about to have a meeting. Can you grab Yoongi hyung and JK and Sehee too?" Joon asks and she nods, making her way towards the stairs.

She was still very much sore from the night before and going up the stairs looked more daunting than ever. She looked over at the elevator, contemplating using it, but she honestly wasn't a fan of it. Yoongi had made a joke the day before about how hellish it would be getting stuck in the tiny thing and it hadn't crossed her mind to use it ever since. Going with the last resort, she clears her throat and yells up the stairs instead.

"Yoongiiii!" she yells, her voice echoing off the marble ceilings.

She hears a muffled "shit" from upstairs and he comes sliding around the corner, looking down at her frantically. A little pop of white color flits across her vision so fast she could barely catch it, meaning he was startled.

"Shit, what? You okay?!" he asks, making her laugh.

"I'm fine babe! We're having a meeting so get JK and Sehee!" she says, cupping her hands around her mouth so she wouldn't be yelling as loud.

He gives her an unamused face before turning away, presumably to do what she's asked. An amused grin is on her face when she walks back into the dining room and the three at the table have similar expressions.

"Hyung was scared huh? That's the loudest I've ever heard you speak," Joon says, making her chuckle.

"Definitely, I hope he didn't hurt himself too bad sliding around that corner like that," she says, making them laugh.

Yoongi trailed in sporting a mean side eye with JK and Sehee not too far behind.

"You scared the shit out of me yelling like that," he says, taking his seat beside her.

"Aww, I'm sowwy baby," she teases in English, throwing her arms around him from the side.

"Yeah yeah," he says, readjusting in his seat and clearing his throat, unable to keep his straight face despite his efforts.

Someone makes a whip noise and Yoongi scoffs just as Jimin and Tae make themselves known.

"Didn't know this was that kind of party," Jimin says, wiggling his brows as he sits down across from them.

"How in the world did we get here?" Jin groans, facepalming.

Before anyone could quip anything back, the front door opened and Manager Sejin came strolling in. He greets them all and takes a seat at the head of the table. They all greet him back in turn and he smiles, relaxing in his seat with two folders in front of him on the table.

"I like that you're smiling. At least I know this isn't bad news," Tae smiles, relaxing in his seat as well.

"No bad news today Taehyung-ah. So, I don't know if you all have been on social media lately, but you caused quite the stir yesterday. People are going gaga over you," Sejin says and Jin slaps the table, startling them.

"Well, who wouldn't? Look at my—"

"I was talking about Crystal-ssi and Sehee-ssi actually," Sejin says with a teasing grin, busting his bubble.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now