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The drive seems to take forever, but they finally make it back to the house around lunchtime. Crystal grabs her vape, along with its charger and one of her suitcases, leaving Yoongi grab the other.

She thanks him quietly as they make their way onto the elevator and he nods. They make their way up to the dorm and Yoongi keys in the code to let them in, placing her keys in the bowl next to the door. They kick their shoes off and make their way to his room, greeting the others as they walk through the dining and living room areas.

"I'll clean out this side of my closet tonight," he says after clearing his throat and she nods, placing her suitcase next to the one he'd put in the back of his closet.

She takes makes her way back out to the living room and makes a bee line for the balcony with her vape.

"I thought I heard you two. Where's Crystal?" Sehee asks Yoongi as they meet in the living room.

"She's out there, but you might want to give her a moment," he says, pointing to the balcony.

They see her through the glass, taking a drag off the cigarette like device and blowing the smoke out.

"Don't tell me you pissed her off again hyung," JK scolds, making him shake his head.

"No, she's just sad," he says, plopping himself down on the couch.

"I see, leaving home is hard. I cried for days and I don't even have siblings," Sehee says sympathetically.

"Oh, yeah don't remind us," JK jokes, earning a punch in the arm from his soulmate.

"Yeah yeah, I'm gonna go talk to her," she says.

Crystal looks back at the sound of the balcony door opening, shooting Sehee a little smile over her shoulder before she turned back around to blow out more smoke.

"I just wanted to check on you," Sehee says, sitting down on one of the patio chairs.

"I'm good, I'm just a little down. The maknaes didn't take me leaving in three weeks well at all," she says, releasing her hair from its bun.

Her head was starting to pound...maybe because she hadn't had nicotine since the bond and now she was vaping again.

"I know how you feel. My parents didn't take it well either. I'm super close with both of them and they weren't pleased when they found out how little they'd see me, but they understood. It's definitely one of the cons for me but at least we can FaceTime. Thank God for technology," she says.

"I'm sure they'll come to terms with it. I expected there to be some separation anxiety on both ends," Crystal replies, taking one last drag before shutting the device off.

"Don't take this the wrong way but you don't look like the smoking type," Sehee says, making her laugh.

"I never thought I would either. I started when got the internship. I hated the smell though so I switched to vape. I just needed something to relieve the stress. I'm actually in the process of quitting," she says, sliding her vape into her pocket.

"That's good. I wish you luck."

"Thank you, something tells me I'll need it," she says, thinking about balancing school, work, and her new life.

"Lunch is ready ladies...well lady and Sehee," Jimin says, peeking through the door.

"He's such an ass," Sehee rolls her eyes, getting up from the chair.

Crystal shakes her head at the two as they bicker and makes her way inside. Subconsciously, she makes her way to the table and sits next to Yoongi at the table, taking him by surprise.

Fed up with the pounding in her head, she finally puts two and two together, wanting to facepalm when she did. They hadn't gotten much skin to skin today. She studied his side profile for a moment, idly wondering if it was just her that felt it. She noticed him squinting a bit, his head resting on his hand.

 She noticed him squinting a bit, his head resting on his hand

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Gosh he's beautiful.

She'd always thought he was handsome but it was a whole other ball game up this close. He was fucking stunning and right now it was pissing her off that she couldn't get herself to look away. The sun was highlighting the red in his hair, a color she'd always liked on him, and he just glowed to her.

She was broken out of her trance by the sound of the chair next to her scraping the floor. It makes her jump in alarm and place her hand on her chest to calm her racing heartbeat.

Sehee looked down at her with a knowing look and she looked away sheepishly, feeling like she was caught doing something she shouldn't have.

She looked down and there was a bowl of noodles in front of her and Yoongi seemed to be in deep conversation with Joon about something.

Damn, how long was I staring? Did he notice?

She freaks out mentally as she picks up her chopsticks and starts to eat. Between all the mental turmoil and the pounding headache she had, she doesn't even register the taste of her food.

When she's done, she wants to get Yoongi's attention but doesn't want to be rude so she waits for a break in conversation. She feels herself getting tired and grumpy, Yoongi's bed calling her name.

How am I going to ask him for skin to skin when I just want a nap?

She groans quietly, her lips falling into a pout as she frowned at the side of his face.

Since when are you this talkative? I thought he was the quiet one.

Tae and Hobi were going to talk to her, but thought better of it when they took notice of what were going on.

"They're just like Kookie and Sehee and by the looks of it, she's JK," Hobi whispers, he and Tae snickering.

Yoongi finally turns, hearing their snickers and looks back and forth between the two that had proceeded to laugh harder when he looked their way.

He finally looks down at his pouty soulmate and connects the dots. By the look on her face, her head was pounding too and he'd bet she could use a nap as well. She was like him right?

Narrowing his eyes at the two, he takes both his and her bowl to the sink before coming back and offering her his hand.

She takes it with a look that clearly said, 'Took you long enough,' and he leads her down the hallway to their room.

He flips back the covers and they climb in. Crystal was too sleepy to care about the awkwardness so she let him pull her onto his chest, intertwining their hands.

Yoongi reveled in the feeling, thoroughly enjoying the only time her defenses were down. All their worries went away when it was time to sleep.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now