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"If this phone rings one more time, I am going to fucking lose it," Crystal huffs, glaring down at her new work phone.

She'd had to go in to work early that morning to assign the interns their first cases and Seojun had given her the device before she left, much to her dismay.

Unfortunately, she'd been bombarded with notifications since then, the interns clearly not following the directions she'd laid out for them. Also unfortunate for her, Bora was out sick and therefore wouldn't be able to finish the reports from their last few cases by the upcoming deadline—more work for her.

She resumed typing the report when the phone started to buzz on the table again, making her roll her eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

That's it.

She snatches the phone off the table and hits ignore before gathering her laptop and vape pen from her case.

Her irritation was through the roof, something Yoongi had been fighting to ignore all day. Surprisingly, he wasn't as bothered by it as he thought. What bothered him was the fact that people were bothering her. Stress and irritation weren't emotions that were new to him, but feeling them coming from her made him desperately want to do something about it. He didn't like it but his hands were tied. What he was looking at is a result of the sacrifices she'd had to make for him after all.

Crystal makes her way to the courtyard and sits at an empty picnic table, opening her laptop up. She shoots the interns a group message, letting them know that they were going to have a video conference in five minutes. She takes long draws of her vape while she waits, the nicotine helping slightly with her frazzled nerves.

After 5 minutes exactly, she clicks on all their contacts and connects the call. They all greet her wearily, figuring that the impromptu meeting this early on was probably not anything good.

"Good afternoon, I have some things I want to discuss. First, I'd like to say that I'm disappointed in all but one of you already. When we gave you those packets, those were your guidelines and every single one of you except Park EunJae has broken protocol. Page 2, Section 2 clearly states that you are not to call me except under dire circumstances. From what I can see, the building isn't on fire and you've all just been given your first cases so I don't know what could be so dire already. Email and text are preferred methods of contact, now and forever. I suggest you read your packets again, thoroughly. My soulmate is a busy man and I can't have my phone ringing off the hook at random times like this.

The second thing I want to address is the questions you all have about your cases. I haven't answered your calls or your questions because there's actually nothing I can do for you there. Think of these cases as your second entrance exam. You can't walk up to the teacher and ask them to explain an exam can you? Same here. Your first case is supposed to show us your skill set, so complete it to the best of your abilities and turn it in on or before the deadline—as explained in the instructions.

For the third and final thing, I want to remind you that Bora and I are students and interns as well and we're both in our last year of law school at SNU. If you think you're stressed, we're past stressed—me especially. I'm doing summer classes as well as preparing to travel a lot. I will be in many different time zones in the upcoming months as well as completing my schoolwork, my cases, and overseeing your cases. Please take this into consideration before you contact me. You have the same Naver and Google that I do. We all need to be considerate of each other's lives outside of this as well as maintaining a team mentality. You may go to different schools, live in different places, etc but you are a team when you're at work and you will not make it through the program if you don't depend on each other as much as you do on Bora and I. Any questions?" she asks, and they all shake their heads.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now