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After Crystal and Yoongi had gotten some soup in them without their stomachs upsettting, Miss Choi left, promising to come back and check on them in a few hours. Mr. Gwam had left to go and adjust the contract and JK left to go pick up Sehee, his soulmate.

Namjoon and Seojun had moved into the living room with the two who still weren't making any efforts to get to know each other. They both had gone into business mode as soon as their phones were placed in their hands.

"Seojun-ssi, can you make this checklist for me? I suck at doing things with my left hand," she says, making him chuckle.

"Sure thing kid," he replies, rummaging through his briefcase for a pad and pencil.

He hated using electronics unless he absolutely had to.

"You two work together right?" Namjoon asks, breaking the silence.

"Yes, he's been my mentor at SA(Seoul Associates) for a little over three years now, although he's been more of a father figure lately," she smiles a genuine smile for the first time since she's been awake.

"Let's not forget to add secretary to the list. You've been working me ragged these past few days," Seojun teases, tapping his pencil against the notepad he'd finally found.

Crystal laughs at his antics, the sound stunning Yoongi. He looks up from his phone immediately, his eyes glued to her profile as she tossed her head back and let out the most beautiful giggles he'd ever heard. She was stunning in general but when she laughed, she was breathtaking. Flecks of gold danced across his vision the longer he stared, making what was only about 60 seconds feel like 60 minutes to him.

He snaps out of his daze at the sound of Namjoon clearing this throat. The leader had an amused grin on his face as he looked between the two soulmates. Crystal had calmed down from her laugh and was back to talking with Mr. Choi.

"I'm thankful but this has been just a taste of what I do on the regular. Throughout the week, I'm basically your secretary on top of having multiple cases to work on as well as helping the other interns with theirs. Then there's school on top of that," she shrugs, making Seojun click his tongue before changing the subject back to her checklist.

She giggles again but not a full blown laugh and Yoongi felt himself get disappointed. He fought the urge to groan, realizing that the bond was messing with his emotions right now. He needed to get a grip and fast.

"Okay so the first thing I need to do is contact my school. I enrolled in summer classes so I can graduate in December and those classes start the first week of June—two weeks from now. I need to switch over to online classes so I hope the deadline hasn't passed," she says, checking her calendar on her phone.

"Second thing would be figuring out what to do about work. If I could, I would love to keep my position. It'll be hard but it can be done remotely. If not, I'd like Bora to have my spot. Everyone else is either lazy, entitled, or incompetent," she says, rolling her eyes.

Namjoon chuckles at her straight forward attitude, her savage ways immediately reminding him of the man sitting next to her.

"I'll talk to Mr. Kim but I'm sure he won't mind. You should be able to keep your position but you may have to share it with Bora. She'd be the physical point of contact for them but you're still the boss so you'll call the shots on anything regarding the interns," Seojun says, giving her a reassuring smile.

"I appreciate it Seojun-ssi. The third thing would be opening a joint bank account with my mom. I don't want her to have to call and get permission to handle finances while I'm away," she adds.

"It's no problem Crystal. Bora is the best after you but she wouldn't be able to handle all those interns by herself. She'd ring their necks," he says, making her chuckle.

"True, if they think they have it bad with me, they haven't felt the wrath of Kim Bora...The fourth thing would be to go ahead and handle the upcoming summer collection photoshoots for LH(Love Heals)(her mom's clothing line). When are you guys going on tour by the way? I know it's a mid summer tour but I haven't seen the dates yet," she says, directing her attention back to Namjoon.

"Three weeks from now, the second week of June," he answers and she nods, looking down at her calendar again.

"The fifth thing would be getting the kids the latest iPhone, well maybe an iPad mini for Christian. It'll soften the blow when I tell them I have to leave. I'll get my clothes when I go. Number six is shopping. I need to stock up on some things so I won't need anything when I'm traveling. That should be all for now," she says.

"What else? I can see the wheels turning in your head right now," Seojun says, looking at her expectantly.

"I'm just thinking about how they'll react. I'm also contemplating leaving my car for Cheyenne. She just turned 16 and I think she's responsible enough but I'll have to discuss it with my mom of course. The thing is, if I give Cheyenne a car, I have to do something big for the other two too or they'll just eventually guilt trip their way into my pockets anyways," she says.

"That's my kids in a nutshell. Apparently, gifts measure love for them so tread lightly," Seojun chuckles.

"Oh I know it. Natalia's been asking for a telescope for a while now but she gets fixated on something new every week. She stuck with it so I guess I'll get her that and Christian has had his eyes on this lego set for the longest. Ugh, I spoiled them too much," she groans, thinking about all the money she was about to spend.

"You're sounding twice your age Crystal-ssi," Seojun shakes his head and Namjoon laughs, thinking the same thing.

"There's no doubt my mental age is around 45. It's no wonder we get along so well," she smirks, holding back her laugh when Seojun gives her an offended look.

Their banter is cut off by a loud "Hyung!" And someone wrapping their arms around the two. Crystal lets out a little squeal from surprise and the culprit looks up, a sheepish smile in place. Kim Taehyung was hugging them both, tears shining in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I'm—just thank you for getting here when you did. We thought we were going to lose him," he sniffles.

"No need to thank me Taehyung-ssi. My name is Crystal," she says, awkwardly patting his back.

They heard rummaging from somewhere else in the dorm as Taehyung got up from the floor.

Time to meet the others.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now