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"Why on EARTH is this taking so long? Can't they see that he doesn't have long? Why not just release a statement?" Jimin asks, gripping his hair in frustration.

"They just told me they went through all the foreigners in the pit and none of them were her. They asked to see their hands and everything," Namjoon huffs, running a hand down his face.

"Well just because she has brown skin doesn't mean she's a foreigner. They need to search the rest and quickly," Hobi sniffles, burying his face in his hands.

"If they don't have enough people on this, we'll call them our damn selves and get new numbers later. Give us the list," Jin says to one of the managers in the room.

"I assure you-" the flustered man starts, but is cut off by his phone ringing.

He puts his finger up indicating he needed to take the call and Jin's face turns red, ready to let him have it when he hangs up. However, his response is cut short by what comes out of the man's mouth next.

"Bighit is being sued!" he spills out, making them shoot him confused looks.

"What the fu-" Jimin starts, but the man cuts him off finishing his statement.

"Bighit is being sued by Mr. Min's soulmate. Her defense put in an urgent private suit against the company yesterday," he explains further.

"Well what are you waiting for?! Get in contact with her and get her here. She must've been trying to get the company's attention," Namjoon says.

"Her lawyer is on his way with her now."

"Guys, Yoongi h-hyung won't wake up! JK and the nurses are in there with him. I-I couldn't stay and watch," Tae yells out, coming up the hallway.

Jimin stays back to comfort Tae, afraid to watch as well while their hyung's rush down the hall and into Yoongi's room.

"They found his soulmate and she's on her way now. Please don't let it be too late," Jimin prays, tears rolling down his cheeks as he tries to hold it together for Tae.

Please make it in time.


Crystal wakes up early the next morning and sneaks out of bed. After their talk last night, they'd went through their family picture books, told each other their favorite memories, and watched Crystal's favorite movies until they fell asleep. Crystal and Naudia had decided that it was best for the kids to stay home from school today. The problem with that now though was the fact that she was literally struggling to breathe.

She woke up all throughout the night struggling to catch her breath, so she stayed up fearing she'd die in her sleep. There was no way she could allow that to happen—especially not while in bed with her family. She wouldn't put them through the trauma of waking up to her corpse.

Every step she took felt weighted as she slowly made it to her bedroom. She grabs the first outfit she puts her hands on, which happens to be a button down shirt dress and flats. She pulls her hair up into a bun and sits down to rest before ordering an Uber.

Her phone rings and she quickly answers the call, not wanting the phone to wake anyone up.

"Crystal, where are you?" Seojun's voice comes through the receiver, making her head pound.

"Getting into the back of an Uber," she replies, nodding to the driver in greeting.

"What?! Where could you possibly be going in your condition?! I just got off the phone with the legal advisor at Bighit and he told me to bring you to BTS's dorms quickly. Your soulmate isn't doing too well and by the sounds you're making, you aren't either," he says.

"Where are you? I could meet you. Better yet, what's the address? We could meet there," she replies.

"I'm sending it now. We can meet there. It's closer to your house and I was almost to you," he says, forwarding the address while driving.

He listens to her breathy voice ask the driver to change routes to that address, her voice almost coming out in gasps now.

"We're five minutes out," she slurs, black spots starting to float in her vision.

"Me too. Hey! Stay awake kid. I can hear you slurring. You're almost there okay. Put the phone on speaker," he instructs.

She pulls the phone away from her ear and presses the speaker button before lying down in the backseat, unable to hold herself up anymore. She could hear Seojun and the driver going back and forth but could barely make out the words. She hears the car accelerate for an undetermined amount of time before skidding to a stop, almost making her fall onto the floor boards.

"Crystal! Just hold on okay," Seojun says, unbuckling her seatbelt and gathering her into his arms.

One of Bighit's managers is waiting for him outside the gate and he quickly leads him in, closing the gate behind them. He leads them through the lobby and onto an elevator, pushing the button for the 13th floor.

Crystal starts to whimper, tears streaming down her face as she stares into the blurry lights above her.

"I'm so scared," she whispers as her vision starts to go in and out.

"Shh it'll be okay. We're almost there," Seojun soothes her as they step off the elevator.

"I c-can't see," she gasps out.

"You can bring her back here. We just moved him to the bed," the manager speaks, ushering them through the house.

"Oh thank God," she hears someone say as Seojun carries her into the room.

"They need skin to skin now! We're going to have to open this dress. Please have them step out," one of the nurses ushers everyone out while the other quickly unbuttons Crystal's shirt dress and lies her onto an unresponsive Yoongi's bare chest.

Their distressed expressions immediately iron out and they already seem to be breathing better, Yoongi's chest visibly moving up and down now, lifting Crystal's body slightly with each breath.

Everyone could breathe easier now that the two soulmates had been reunited. Now all that was left to do was wait for them to heal and regain consciousness.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora