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When Crystal and Sehee agreed to do the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, they never thought they'd find themselves on a subway train chock full of staff, camera crew, the guys, and Jimmy.

"It's hot in here," Sehee whispers, shifting uncomfortably in her long jacket.

"It is, but at least it smells like they tried to clean in here. Take your jacket off until we go on. That material doesn't look very breathable," Crystal whispers back, reaching over to feel the material.

"Trust me, it's not. I'm gonna be sweating buckets by the time we go on," Sehee whisper yells, carefully shrugging out of the jacket.

"Can I get you ladies anything? Perhaps a fan? We have those," one of the staff asks and they nod gratefully.

"That would be amazing, thanks," Sehee says, looking like she could cry with relief.

Crystal refrained from laughing, not wanting to disturb the audio as the boys did their interview. They'd been told to be as quiet as possible.

The nice lady comes back with two battery powered fans and two cold bottles of water to which they thank her profusely. Crystal admired how the boys looked natural and unfazed during their interview. They truly were pros.

"Hobi is so adorable," she whispers to Sehee, who nods.

"He really is a joy to watch," she replies, trying not to laugh when Joon says he was only wearing boxers when he met JK and refers to them as panties.

"Oh God," Crystal snickers quietly.

"The bromance is strong," Sehee says when they admit that they all used to walk around in boxers all the time.

"Well, you can't walk around in your boxers now, because it's not just you guys anymore. Two of the members, Jungkook and Suga have found their soulmates. They're going to join us right after this break. Don't go anywhere, we'll be right back," Jimmy says, cutting to commercial break.

"That's our cue," Crystal mumbles, standing up and placing her water and fan on the seat she'd been sitting in.

The lady from earlier ushers them over to talk to Jimmy while the boys get a water break and get their faces powdered to get rid of the sheen of sweat.

"Hello, ladies, I'm Jimmy. It's so good to meet you," he says, shaking both their hands.

"I'm Crystal, same to you," she says with a polite smile.

"So you must be Sehee," he said and she smiles brightly.

"That's me! My mom loves you," she tells him, making him chuckle.

"Well then I love her too. Im popular with the moms these days," he jokes, referring to Jin's mom.

"Okay, so I'm gonna have you to sit next to your soulmates and face this way. I'll ask you to introduce yourselves again once the cameras start rolling again. From there we'll jump right into some questions. Sound good?" he asks and they both give him a thumbs up before moving into position.

Yoongi smiles at her once she's seated next to him, placing his hand on her knee when shed crossed her legs.

"You in these leather pants....mmm mmm mmm," he says mentally and she slightly flicks his ear, making him jump.

"I'm already hot and nervous. Let's not add wet to the list," she scolds, making him chuckle.

"I think this is the most I've seen you smile," Jimmy teases him, making them laugh.

"One minute!" one of the staff call and everyone makes sure they're facing the right direction. Jimmy takes his seat between Jimin and JK, making sure Sehee had enough room.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now