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Yoongi lay awake, watching over Crystal as she slept. Her mom had left a few hours prior and she had finally gotten tired enough to fall asleep. Of course she got her affairs in order first, successfully transferring the money she'd acquired over to she and her mother's joint account followed by closing her own.

By then, she had started to feel some pain in her throat from talking so much, so he'd convinced her to take a pain killer, drink another cup of tea, and get back in bed. Those videos weren't going anywhere. As far as he was concerned, her health came first. Besides, he figured she'd want to be well when she made her move, able to thoroughly enjoy everything unfold in real time. Too tired to argue with that logic, she'd taken his advice and had fallen asleep shortly afterwards.

Her sleeping face was calm, no signs of distress on her pretty face.

'How are you so strong?' he thought.

What she'd gone through was practically torturing him and here she was sleeping peacefully.

He'd tried to get some sleep as well, but the sight of those purple bruises on her neck upset him all over again. Seeing her hurt like this made him want to keep her close to him, where no one could harm her ever again.

Pulling her closer to him, he lightly traces the marks on her throat, wishing with everything he had that he could make them better and ease her pain. He made a mental note to ask Nurse Choi about it when she swung by later before he felt his eyelids get heavy and let sleep take over him as well.

 He made a mental note to ask Nurse Choi about it when she swung by later before he felt his eyelids get heavy and let sleep take over him as well

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"Crystal! Yoongi! Wake up! Nurse Choi is here!" Sehee yells, banging on the door.

"We'll be out in a few," Yoongi calls as Crystal stirs awake.

The two brush their teeth quickly and make themselves presentable, both still too sleepy to engage in conversation.

"There you are! Sorry to wake you, but we need to keep check on these bruises. Any pain or trouble swallowing?," Nurse Choi asks.

"I had some pain earlier after talking for a while, but I don't feel it now," Crystal says, taking a seat in one of the dining room chairs.

She bends her head back slightly and Yoongi places his hands on her shoulders as the nurse examines her neck.

"Crystal, are you wearing makeup over your bruises?" Nurse Choi asks, making her brows furrow in confusion.

"No, I'm not wearing makeup at all," Crystal answers.

"Hmm, let me get out my light. Maybe my eyes are bothering me," Nurse Choi frowns, digging through her bag.

She finds what she's looking for, a headband looking thing with a light in the middle. She slips it on and turns on the light, momentarily blinding the soulmates as she gets it adjusted.

"I knew it wasn't me. Crystal, those bruises are completely gone. Do you feel any pain when I do this?" she asks, applying pressure to different areas of her neck.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now