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"Miss Cheung?" a voice asks from the doorway of the bedroom, making both JK and Crystal jump.

"Miss Choi, it's good to see you. This is the nurse I was telling you about. She'll take good care of you," he tells Crystal, stepping aside so that she and the nurse could see each other.

"It's always good to see you Jungkook. Hello, I'm Miss Choi, the company nurse. I'm here to do a check up on you and Yoongi. I specialize in soulmate medicine now. I learned a lot about it and took some courses after this one found his soulmate," she says, smiling fondly at the two.

She was an older woman, maybe in her early forties and had kind eyes.

Crystal bows to her in greeting and shoots her a small smile, but nervous smile. She was always a bit wary around medical professionals, probably some weird trauma she couldn't remember from childhood. It wasn't quite white coat syndrome, more so a subtle weariness.

"Come on beauty, I don't bite," she says, shooting Crystal a friendly wink before gesturing for her to follow her.

JK chuckles and motions for Crystal to go first and she does, making sure to move slowly. She was still a little shaky from earlier.

"You can take a seat on the sofa," Miss Choi instructs, pointing towards the sofa where Yoongi was already sitting.

Crystal doesn't look at him, almost sitting at the opposite end of the three seater couch.

She could see Namjoon, Seojun, and Mr. Gwan speaking in hushed tones at the dining table still. Hopefully they were sorting through that monstrosity of a contract. JK joins them, taking her previous seat next to Seojun.

Miss Choi comes back with her medical bag and looks between the two before shrugging and getting started. She checks their heart rates, lungs, and blood pressure, making sure they were still at normal levels.

"How are you feeling physically?" she asks, looking at Crystal.

"Um, shaky and I'm getting a headache," she answers.

"Same," Yoongi says once Miss Choi asks him the same.

"When's the last time you two ate?" she asks.

"The last time I ate was around noon on the day of the concert, so four days ago," Crystal replies.

"I tried to eat the morning after the concert but couldn't keep it down," Yoongi answers.

It's goes quiet as Miss Choi tsks and writes some things on her clipboard.

"We'll start you two off on a liquid diet. Lots of water and soup. I don't recommend anything else because it'll take some time for your bodies to get used to eating again. One last question—where was your bruise located and how far did it spread?" she asks, looking to Crystal to answer first again.

"It started at my fingertips and spread all the way up to my shoulder," she says.

"Wow, in just two days? Was yours like that too?" she asks Yoongi and he nods.

"Is there something wrong with that? You look surprised," Crystal asks wearily.

"Not wrong per se, but it is shocking. Most bruises spread at a much slower rate. It's a good thing you two got to each other when you did because it sounds like you were progressing a lot faster than normal. I see the other nurses weren't exaggerating when they said you two were on the brink of death. That indicates a stronger bond," she says, making Crystal's eyes widen.

"Stronger? As in?" she asks.

"As in you'll most likely need each other a lot from here on out. It may not be my place to say this, but I'm going to say it anyways because you need to hear it. Whatever happened between you two, you need to put it aside and get over it or you'll be miserable. I can practically see the energy draining out of you two as I speak. You need skin contact—lots of it. It'll gradually decrease over time just how much you need it but for now you need as much as possible," she says, gesturing for them to get closer.

Bonded: A Min Yoongi x OC Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now