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Crystal takes a deep breath and puts her game face on as she enters the courtroom, her mother and siblings as well as Yoongi trailing behind her. Yoongi gives her hand an encouraging squeeze and ushers her siblings to seats on the first bench; and she and her mother go through the little gate that separated their seats from the public seats.

The defendants were already in their seats but she didn't pay them any mind. She took hers and adjusted her suit jacket in an unbothered fashion as they waited for the judge and jury to file in.

This was a civil suit and they'd already had their preliminary hearing, so the judge had decided on the traditional panel of 6. Due to her status as he'd put it, they selected jurors who lived further away from Seoul and questioned them heavily to ensure there would be no bias. Crystal liked this judge a lot. In fact, she'd specifically requested him for this case. It was a lot of paperwork and headache, but it would be worth it to have a judge who would be fair.

The jury files in first, followed but the judge and everyone got to their feet, stood, bowed, and remained standing until the judge struck the sound block with his gavel.

"Good morning. My name is Judge Moon and we are gathered here today in Seoul, South Korea's Court of Civil Code to discuss a complaint of Negligence and Discrimination filed by Cheung Crystal, Attorney at Law and Cheung Nadia against the defendant Cho Ilsung, who is being defended by his attorney, Choi Sangwoo and the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA). They present their cases today in front of a jury of 6 unbiased peers. Ms. Cheung, would you like to make an opening statement?" Judge Moon asks and Crystal stands to answer.

"Actually, I would not, Judge Moon. I think the evidence that I've collected will speak for itself; and I'd like to jump right in if the defendant agrees," she states.

Not giving the judge a chance to ask, hotshot attorney Choi Sangwoo stands from his seat as well, a cocky, easy going grin on his face.

He was one of the top lawyers here in Seoul and he often defended politicians and government entities, but usually in criminal court. Even so though, she was surprised to see that the PWBA didn't send more lawyers. Maybe they thought he was enough. Psh.

"Normally I'd have a killer opening statement prepared, but my client and I weren't made aware of the details of the case—"

"Strike that from the record," Judge Moon interjects and the court reporter in the corner nods as she deletes what she'd typed.

"Mr. Choi, that statement is misleading. You and your client kept yourselves in the dark by deciding to waive the right to your appearance at the preliminary hearing. I feel I should forewarn you that I do not tolerate any theatrics in my courtroom. This is Civil court, based strictly on facts and evidence, not who can put on a bigger show," Judge Moon scolds and Crystal shakes her head with a grim look on her face as the fights the urge to laugh as the sheepish attorney deflates.

"Yes sir," he simply states before sitting down heavily.

"Fucking dunce," Yoongi chimes in her head and she twists her lips to the side as she gathers the folders full of evidence.

"If I may," she says and the judge nods, gesturing for her to do so.

She approaches the bench and passes him his copy first before going to each member of the jury, who she made eye contact with, before returning with the last two copies for the defendants. They sneer at her and she smiles before heading back to her table. Her mother gives her a knowing look and she winks at her before starting.

"The first article of evidence that I've presented to you is a denial of pension for my client, Cheung Nadia. Her husband of 7 years, Cheung Jihoon died of tragic circumstances, leaving her behind with 4 children and her case worker, former President of the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration (PWBA) and our defendant, Cho Ilsung, denied her his pension without valid reasoning. As anyone could conclude, this highly affected my client and her children's quality of life—a grieving widow and mother of 4 left to her own devices in a country that despite her at the time, 7 year citizenship—still views her as a foreigner and denies her rights due to discrimination."

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