Chapter 29

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“Queen Annabella,” I heard someone say and I stirred and moved onto my side snuggling into Carlos’ pillow. “Come on Queen Annabella, get up.” I heard them say again.

“I will not have this behavior from my Queen. You need to train get up Annabella.” I heard Cameron say and the duvet was ripped off me. I rolled over and squinted my eyes at Cameron and he was glaring at me. Cameron and I have become close since Carlos left three weeks ago. 

“Why Cameron? I already trained this whole week. My body hurts can’t I have a break?” I whined and he grabbed me by my arms and carried me into the bathroom and placed me there and shut the door. I huffed and sat on the toilet with my arms crossed.

“I don’t here any water Annabella. Do not make me come in there.” He sternly said through the door and I rushed and turned on the shower. When Cameron says things like that he mean it. I learned my lesson; the first time he did it and I went back to sleep beside the tub and he put me in a tub fill with cold water. I was miserable. I got into the shower and stood underneath the hot water; letting it cascade down my back. After taking my shower I brushed my teeth and got dressed into my onesie because I am too lazy to put on clothes.

I walked out of the closet tugging on some black Uggs and braiding my damp hair into a fishtail. I walked out of the room and headed downstairs where Cameron was waiting to drag me to my death. He dragged me out of the house and into the training facility. The first thing he had me do was practice using all of my powers, which took a good hour. Then he had me practice fighting with other males that were training. I am so not ready for what he’s prepared for me next. We were walking outside to the track field. He’s going to make me run laps; I know I’m a Queen with incredible stamina, but I’m fucking tired. 

“Come on Annabella; I want you to run 20 miles around the track.” He said and I huffed before running. I was jog/walking when I got to mile 15 and Cameron started yelling at me. When I finished my 20 miles I was drained. I wobbled my way back to the house; I wasn’t even walking straight. My legs are freaking hurting because of Cameron.

“What did you do to my mate Cameron?” I heard Carlos voice from behind us before we even reached halfway to the house. I turned around and smiled tiredly at Carlos.

“Carlos,” I tried to sound excited, but I sounded tired and he smiled brightly at me before walking towards me.

“I didn’t do anything to her. It’s called intense training. She was being lazy.” Cameron said and I pouted before sitting down on the ground; well it’s more like I fell to the ground.

“Baby girl I at least expected a hug and a kiss.” Carlos said and I grunted. I’m in so much pain right now; I feel like crying. Forget that I might just start crying. “Cameron get away from my mate and let me handle her. I’ve been gone long enough.” I heard Carlos say and I felt myself being picked up.

“I missed you baby girl.” He said kissing my cheek and I mumbled something and then cuddled into his chest wanting to fall asleep. I begin falling asleep when I felt us walk inside in the house. I felt myself being laid in the bed. “Sleep love, I’ll be here when you wake up.” He said and kissed my temple. I fell into a deep sleep knowing my mate is back.

So yep, It's short, but I was going to type some more, but I had to struggle through this devil project professors call a math project. I'm really about to have a bitch fit and go arcoss the campus and f my professor up. I will be adding; well I'll have another or maybe two chapters by Wednesday. Enjoy the rest of your day. 

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