Chapter 34

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Besides all of the chaos that's been going on Cameron is ok and I'm happy as hell. He's all-better and he stays around me 24/7 well except for in the bedroom because Carlos gets jealous. Today is Aidan's birthday and he's official 23. I walked down to the kitchen where I could hear everybody talking and busted. I grinned widely as they stopped talking and looked at me. I wasn't paying any attention to them I was looking for Aiden.

"He's in the backyard." Jamie said and I grinned at Andrew and Andres who grinned at me. We walked out to the backyard and spotted Aiden standing with dad, Cameron, Carlos, and Vince. Andrew and Andres took off and tackled Aiden to the ground yelling happy birthday which he pushed them off and got up dusting himself off. I ran and jumped on him using my full strength and he fell to the ground.

"Happy birthday big brother," I yelled in his ear and he growled at me before smiling slightly and pushing me off of him.

"Get off of your brother Anna." Dad said and I huffed and got up. "Anyway so we need patrol to be around the border and some of our top warriors including vampires, witches, and warlocks to patrol the house." He said as they all nodded. I felt Carlos staring at the side of my face.

"Come here mate," He growled lowly at me and I turned towards him and smiled.

"Yes Carlos," I said and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled my back to his chest as they discussed about the war that was coming.

"We need to mate soon." Kanistia said and I thought about it for a minute before asking why. "The full moon is coming. The war is going to be here soon Annabella. We will then be stronger than now." She said and I agreed with her.

However we are not mating tonight because for some reason I don't feel safe and I feel as if somebody is lurking around watching me. Right now I'm currently walking with Vince and Cameron towards the gym.

"You bitch you took what's mine!" I heard a female screech from behind me and I felt a force hit me pushing me towards the ground. I flipped over to see a red-head standing over me with her fist balled. She rushed a fist towards me and it hit the shield. I got up and dusted myself off. I feel very disrespected but I'm not going to touch her.

"Kill her now Annabella. She's a threat." Kanistia warned me.

I looked towards the smirking girl and smiled at her. Happiness makes you even madder, but I could really care less. I watched as that smirk turned into nothing but fury. She then begins to throw fireballs at me and I threw my shield up. I felt Kanistia join me and we sped towards her in vampire speed and grabbed her neck.

"You dare attack us. You are in my father's kingdom." I hissed out squeezing her neck.

"Put her down Anna." Cameron said and I shook my head and dropped her before standing over her.

"Now before you say that again. Carlos is mine and will always be mine." I said and I felt my eyes flickering back and forth. "You're dead." Kanistia said through me and bit into her neck and then snapped it. I looked at her and smiled and saw Carlos' well Thaddeus' pack standing there shocked.

"Let that be a warning to all of the other bitches that wants to claim what is mine. I will kill you then ask questions later. Am I understood?" I commanded.

"Yes Queen Annabella," They said.

"Very well you are welcome to go back to what you were doing before." I said and turned towards Vince and Cameron who were shaking their heads at me. This is going to be very interesting.


After that little fiasco with the redhead everybody went to training. Training in my dad's kingdom was way different from the training in my kingdom. Not only did we train in combat, but he had us training with weapons we've never seen before. He said it was to prepare us in case we have a war with an ancient, and I couldn't do anything but accept the training.

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