Chapter 22

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I woke up hearing people running around. I jumped out of bed thinking that we were getting attack until I heard laughing. I followed to where the sound was coming from and walked into the kitchen. I saw some women cooking and laughing with each other. I was surprised that they were getting along because they were witches, werewolves, and vampires.

“Good Afternoon, Your Majesty.” One of the ladies said to me. When the others notice I was there, they did a little bow.

“What are you guys doing?” I said walking up to the counter.

“Well, we asked King Carlos and King Vince if we can make a big dinner for Thanksgiving and I thought it would be a good chance for everyone to get along.” Another lady said smiling.

“That is a great idea. So where do you want me to help at?” I said going to the sink and washing my hands. Everyone looked shocked that I offered to help cook.

“You don’t have to help. I am sure that you are busy with training.” One of the older ladies said to me with everyone else nodded.

“No, I would love to help.” I said.

After four long hours of cooking over the hot stove and talking to everyone in the kitchen, we were finally done. We set the table and put up decorations in the dining hall. I think we went a little bit over board put we had lots of fun. When we were down, everyone started running in and taking a seat. Carlos sat at the end of the table and I sat to the right of him. After we listened to everyone say what they were thankful for we dug in to the food. The ladies who helped in the kitchen and I was getting compliments for the food that we made. I felt really happy that I got to help everyone and that they were getting along. I felt like a real family.

“Anna, I want to introduce you to the Raven and Crystal, Raven is one of our strongest vampire warriors and Crystal is one of the strongest witches in the world. They will be training you.” Carlos said with Vince, Raven, and Crystal behind him.

“What?! I thought I was helping train the rest of the pack” I said looking at him.

“No, since I am training I want you to train too. I want you to be prepared too.” Carlos said.


“No buts, you don’t even know how to fully control your witch powers and if you don’t learn to you aren’t fighting in the war and that’s final.” Carlos said walking away.

“I am fighting in this war with or without your permission.” I said walking after him. He turned around and pulled me in his arms.

“I don’t want to lose you. Okay, so please train.” He said.

“Okay.” I said kissing him.

Happy Thanksgiving

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