Chapter 14

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Alright guys I'm currently writing three stories at the same time. Thank god I know how to multitask but I start college in September so my updates will be slow because I am going off to Florida to major in music production or whatever. I hope you guys love my story  and can you possibly think of the cast you want to play the characters. Thank  you guys very much. 

Today is the day I officially become Queen; I'm a bit young for this though but my mate is 23 so I'm pretty sure we can handle it. Hell I was practically born to be Queen but I don’t want to overuse my power by using it on certain people when they piss me off.

“Are you up Annabella?” Alice yelled through the door and I mumbled a yeah and got up out of bed. As soon as I stepped foot into the bathroom Alice walked in along with Brittney, Khloe, and Victoria and they had bright smiles on their faces. I proceeded with my morning routine and finished within 30 minutes; I walked out the bathroom in a towel as they requested.

“Ok, so the ceremony starts at 1 we have about two hours to get you ready.” Victoria said and I rolled my eyes and put on the bra set that they laid out. I sat down in the chair they had in the room and Brittney started doing my hair; about 45 minutes later my hair was finished and Alice was applying make-up to my face. Finally finished getting pampered Khloe helped me in this big ass dress but it was gorgeous and helped me into the ballet flats. Who’s going to see my shoes under this dress anyway?

“So after the ceremony or after you’re crowned Queen you change your dress so we will escort you to your room.” Alice explained as they put finishing touches on me. I looked at their attire and didn’t even realize they were ready to go.  I looked into the wall length mirror and my god did I look like a vintage princess but I was beautiful.

“It’s time,” Khloe said in a bored voice and I laughed and proceeded to walk in front of the girls. I met Carlos at the top of the stairs and smiled brightly at him as he took in my appearance.

“Hey baby,” He said and kissed my cheek because Alice shouted not to mess up her masterpiece. “May I my Queen?” He said and I smiled brightly and nodded putting my hand on top of his.

“May we welcome Princess Annabella and her Prince Carlos,” Somebody announced and we walked down the stairs and took our seats. We did the normal ceremony crowing thing and I hardly paid attention to anything. “For the moment of crowning, Prince Carlos please steps forward.” The person who I don’t know said and crowned Carlos. “Princess Annabella please steps forward to receive your crowning.” They said and I was crowned and I smiled brightly as I felt new power overcomes me. The crowning lasted for about two hours even though I zoned throughout the ceremony and I think my grandmother caught me which means trouble.

“I now pronounce Queen Annabella and King Carlos,” The person said and I smiled brightly and waved at everybody. The girls’ just like they said came and whisked me away to change my dress or whatever. After putting on the dress which was yet a Cinderella dress but for the ball as the girls said. They fixed the curls that have falling and wiped sweat off my face.  I stood up and slide on my ballet flats once again. I looked in the mirror once again and I looked like I was celebrating for a quinceanera. The dress was pretty though, big white and puffy but it had a lot of beading which I loved. I walked downstairs and was greeted at the stairs by Carlos.

“The first dance for the King and Queen,” The person said and we walked to the middle of the floor and started dancing.

“You in this big ass dress Annabella.” Carlos said smirking and I looked up at him and chuckled.

“That’s the same thing I was thinking.” I said to him and he shook his head looking around the room. Everybody decided to join in and started dancing with their mates and whatnot.

“I love you mate,” Carlos said looking deeply into my eyes.

“I love you to,” I said and leaned up and pecked his lips. I looked over to where my brothers and father were standing in the corner conversing. My sister wanted to dance with Carlos so I let her and turned my attention towards my father and brother’s but Vince blocked my view smiling brightly in my face.

“My queen may I have this dance?” He asked bowing and I nodded and we began dancing.

“Anna you must be ready for the war that is coming for us. I know you’re strong but you will need all the energy you can get for this war. I know you will be a great queen.” He said and kissed my cheek walking away I walked towards my brothers and father.

“Why aren’t you dancing Anna?” Jamie questioned.

“My feet hurt and I'm tired of dancing. I’ve been dancing nonstop.” I said and they nodded understanding. “We have a lot of things to do tomorrow guys, so be in the conference room no later than 11:30 in the morning. I’m calling it a night; goodnight guys.” I said and proceeded to walk up the stairs when I was joined by Carlos.

“You tired baby girl,” He said taking my hand and leading me up the stairs and I nodded. We went into the room and he helped me out the dress and I put on my pajamas. I climbed into to bed with Carlos and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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