Chapter 30

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Training, training, and more training. That’s all I’ve been doing this past week. Even Carlos is making me train. This seriously sucks thought. I thought I was going to have a break when Carlos returned, but my training has gotten more intense than it was before and it’s horrible. As up now I am sitting in an ice bath soaking my aching body. After I finished training today I could barely walk.

Carlos does nothing about it but smile at me and tell me to go take a shower or ice bath. I got out of the tub slightly shivering because of the cold ice. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked out of the bathroom shakily. I walked into the closet and slipped on some warm clothes and socks. After getting dressed I walked out the room slowly and headed downstairs. Why am I so cold?

“We’re restless from the intense training which caused our body to shut down slowly. I can’t warm you up right now Annabella. Sorry.” Kanistia said sadly.

I shivered with every step I took. I’m freaking freezing right now. Before I could make it to the bottom my legs buckled underneath me, which sent me tumbling down the stairs. My body landed at the bottom of the stairs and I groaned at the pain that’s going through my body right now. I lifted myself up and crawled to the living room. I’m too cold and lazy to get up and walk. I’m climbed onto the couch and curled into a ball, shivering my ass off. My teeth started clattering together. Gosh this is horrible.  

“Annabella,” I heard Cameron call me from above the couch and I moved my head and looked at him. He touched me slightly and hissed at the coldness of my skin. “You’re freezing,” He said and put a heated cover over me and I was still shivering.

“Anna, Anna are you ok?” I heard my dad’s frantic voice throughout the castle getting closer and closer. “Anna baby girl are you alright?” He asked touching me slightly before pulling back.

“I-I’m s-s-s-o c-c-co-cold d-dad.” I stuttered while shivering.

“No speaking Annabella.” Dad said before grabbing two more covers and putting them over me.

“What’s wrong with Anna?” Vince asked coming into the living room and looking at me. “Why isn’t Kanistia warming you up?” He asked more to himself and as realization hit him his eyes widened. “Her body is slowly shutting down because of the training.” Vince said quickly and dad’s feral took over his body hissing at everybody before picking me up.

“What the fuck did you do to my daughter Carlos?” Dad’s feral hissed out at Carlos.

“Training. Shit I didn’t realize she couldn’t take the training anymore. I’m sorry baby.” Carlos said trying to take me from dad and dad hissed and barred his fangs at Carlos before running towards the pack hospital in vampire speed.

“Help my daughter.” Dad’s feral side hissed at the doctors and nurses.

“Yes King Lestat,” They bowed. King Lestat? Dad’s a king? He followed the doctors to a private room and they hooked me up to millions of things. I wasn’t even paying attention; I felt very sleepy actually.

“Her body is shutting down.” Somebody yelled. “Put her in a medical induce coma.” Somebody yelled out. I was out just like that. 

I actually wanted to finish this chapter, but then I thought about it and was like nope. I'm going to put everything else in the next two chapters. Thanks for your patience. 

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