Chapter 9

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Oh my moon goddess shut up. Where am I? I tried to open my eyes but I couldn’t, oh hell that David person attacked me.

“Annabella, baby please wakes up.” I heard Carlos sob. Well maybe if your ass would have answered mind link then I would not be in this situation.

“Carlos, why did you block Annabella?” I heard Andres ask. I can imagine him glaring at him,  like deathly glares.

“I-I didn’t have Anna blocked.”  Carlos stuttered. Yes the hell you did, I was literally screaming your name dickward.

“Yes you did Carlos; she was screaming your name.”  Aiden fired back.

“He was having sex with that blonde bimbo from our pack Mandy.” Andrew sneered. No, no, no, that can’t be true. He wouldn’t cheat on me, please tell me he didn’t. I’m his fucking mate for god sake’s, why moon goddess?

“It’s true Annabella; he cheated on you while you were being beat half to death.” Aiden said.

“How can you hear her?” Carlos asked.

“We are all connected to her; you would have been if you didn’t cheat.” Andres said. By this time I was screaming and crying more like sobbing. The moon goddess gave me a fucking man slut. I hate him.

“That’s not the worst thing Carlos, the reason why you can’t hear her is because you mated Mandy last night and she’s probably pregnant. Hence it was a full moon dick.” Andrew barked out at him beyond pissed. I finally opened my eyes and looked at Carlos shaking my head.

“I-I’m r-ready t-to g-go h-home.” I said as a few tears fell out my eyes.

“Ok baby girl; let me get your release forms.” Aidan said and I nodded keeping my head down.

“Anna baby I’m-,” I cut Carlos off throwing my hand up.

“It’s ok really…um…m-maybe…I’m.” I stopped talking as tears fell down my face. “I um l-loved y-you. I don’t know what to do. I hope you have a great life with Mandy.” I whispered quietly as tears fell.

“Let’s go baby girl.” Aiden said as he picked me up bridal style.

“Aiden, is Jamie and Taylor at home?” I asked him quietly.

“Yeah, they are there.” He said nodding his head as he put me down by the stairs.

“Annabella!” I heard Taylor and Jamie scream running towards me and pulling me into a hug, I just broke down.

“I, h-he c-cheated o-on m-me.” I cried and saw my dad come into my sight.

“It’s ok baby girl, let’s go.” My dad said walking me to my room. “Get some sleep baby girl. I love you.” He said and I cried myself to sleep that night.

Waking up with the most excoriating headache ever is not the best thing. I slowly got out of my bed and stood in the full length mirror. My once blue hazel eyes that were full of life and happiness are dull at this very moment. I don’t know whether I should be sorry for myself or just live on with my life, hoping for a better mate. I walked into the bathroom and took a long hot shower trying to soothe my thoughts. I got out brushed my teeth and put my hair in a sloppy bun. I went into my closet and put on a PINK jogging suit and Nike sliders. I grabbed my phone and car keys and walked downstairs.

“Anna, where are you going?” Aidan asked as he looked at me from the dining room table.

I shrugged. “I have no idea. I just need to clear my mind; too much has happened in the last days.” I said while concentrating on the floor.

“Ok baby girl just be careful.” My dad said and I walked out and got in my car. Maybe I can go to my nana house. I started the car and quietly drove to my destination. Once I got to my nana’s house, it looked like she was having a family get together. I got out the car and put my alarm on. I walked towards the house and knocked on the door.

“Its open.” I heard my nana yell. I walked in and all eyes were on me and they looked surprised. My cousin Joe was the first one to get up and grab my face.

“Annabella is that you? Is it really you?” Joe asked while examining my face.

“Yes its me Joe.” I said while moving my head back and taking his hands off my face.

“Grandma, your Bella is here.” Joe yelled out and grandma came running in vampire speed and crushed me in a hug. My grandma is a hybrid; she’s a witch and vampire.

“Bella, what’s wrong? I sensed you coming and I know something is wrong because I feel sadness and anger coming off you.” She said while grabbing my face gently. She looked into my eyes and it felt like I was travelling but she was looking into what has happened lately. She gasped once she’s finished and put her hand over her mouth while silent tears fell down her eyes. “My grandbaby has been hurt so many times. Why didn’t you call Bella? You’ve been through hell, my god. Come we need to talk with the family and let them know.” She said and pulled me towards the living room where everybody else was.

“Bells!”  I heard a little baby squeal and my legs being hugged by little people. I looked down and it was my baby cousins Isabel and Isaac.

“Bel and Isa, my babies.” I said as I picked them up and they giggled and placed kisses all over my face. “Ok get these little buggers off me.” I screamed out but it was muffled and I felt them get picked up.

“My Bella has been hurt throughout this year of her transformation, but it’s her place to tell you if you want to know. What I am about to tell you all, is about to shock you. Annabella is the Queen of all creatures. How? I have no idea. Why are you here Annabella?” My nana asked looking at me with purple and blue eyes, but then I realized its grandma talking, her witch.

“Grandma I don’t know what to do now. I’ve been cheated on by my soul mate, abused, out casted, and almost raped. I don’t know if I can go on.” I said as tears fell down my face.

“Annabella, you will forgive your mate, for he has been seduced by that witch in your father’s pack. You will become stronger and face some challenges, but you will beat them. Breathe darling. It’s right around the corner. Anger and sadness is a terrible combination, so let it go and deal with. Accept the fact that creatures are going to hate because they want to be you. They follow you and you lead them. You will be a wonderful Queen Annabella.” Grandma said and changed back to my nana.

“I thank you for such a great word. Now I know what to do. You all are welcome to come visit my palace anytime, you’re my family and I will cherish and accept every moment of hurt that has been brought upon me. I am a Queen and I need to be treated like one. I can’t let low lifes determine my future because I determine my own future. The past is the past. The present is right now and some changes are about to happen. Keep in contact and I will see you guys later.” I said and walked out the door and got in my car. I breathe in and out and smiled. My hazel green eyes are now shining with brilliant blue and hazel. A sign that my hybrid is now awaken and she wants to play. 

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