Chapter 28

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So it’s only been about a week since Carlos left and I'm currently training but I'm getting stronger every day. During the week Vince kind of beat me in a fight because I kept beating up my trainers and Vince got tired of it. Well at least I got some hits in on him. I even used my powers when he told me not to. I don’t listen well and he should have known that.

“Alright your training is done for today and tomorrow. Take a break you’re getting really strong at what you do. Go and hang with your family tomorrow.” Vince said and I nodded and picked up my water bottle and gulped down some water. I walked out of the training room and headed upstairs to my room. I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower standing under the hot water. I like the feeling of it. I ran my hands through my now wet hair making sure it’s all wet. I grabbed my shampoo and started washing my hair.

After my shower I put on some pajamas because it was time for me to sleep. I'm exhausted and it’s hard to believe that I'm going to sleep at 9:30 at night. Since Carlos left I haven’t been sleeping in my room but tonight I am. I crawled into my bed and climbed under the covers and went to sleep.


Today is family day. Why the hell am I so excited? I haven’t seen my brothers, sisters, uncles, grandmother, cousins, and dad in a week. It’s time for me to see my family. I hopped out of bed and lazily made it and ran into the restroom and did my morning routine. I walked into the closet and stripped out of my pajamas and pulled on some light blue skinny jeans and a black V-neck with some black Uggs. I put my hair in a fishtail and ran out of the room. I'm so excited. I ran downstairs to the kitchen where I heard the chatter of my family.

“Family the Queen has arrived bow down peasants.” I shouted as I slid to a stop in the kitchen. “Alright family I was just playing.” I said and they all looked at me shock. “Well at least say you’ve missed my presence.” I said pouting and I heard my dad enter the kitchen and I turned around and jumped on him.

“Alright Anna I missed you to.” Dad said patting my head.

“Awe dad I missed you more.” I said kissing his cheek and he sat down in a chair with me still attached to him. “C’mon family gives me some love. Grandmother do not neglect me over here.” I said as she entered the kitchen and she came over and smacked me upside the head telling me to get off of my father it’s not ladylike.

“Who cares if it isn’t ladylike grandmother? That’s my pops right there.” I said palming dad’s forehead and he hissed at me and I jerked back.  “My bad pops no need to hiss at your daughter.” I said and bent down to his level and got closer to his eyes to see his feral coming forth slightly. “No need for you come forth father. Stay where you are your lovely daughter has everything under control.” I said and patted his head and he grabbed my hand and his eyes swirled and his feral came forth.

“Annabella darling calm yourself and act like a lady.” He said and I pouted and he rolled his eyes and went back into hiding.

“So what are we doing today?” I asked as I plopped down on Aidan’s lap and ate off his plate. I could have sworn I heard a hiss come from my right. I looked towards his mate and cocked my head and looked at Aidan who wasn’t even paying attention to me but the newspaper.

“Oh come on big brother you have your little sister sitting here wanting to spend time with her family.” I said and he pulled the newspaper down slightly.

“You picked the wrong day to have a family day Annabella. We are busy today all of us.” Dad said and I got up off of Aidan’s lap and pursed my lips.

“Oh I didn’t know that.” I said pressing my lips into a straight line. “Uh just come and get me when you guys finish I guess.” I said and walked out of the kitchen and headed to the indoor garden where we had a fountain. I sat at the edge of the fountain and twirled my fingers around making the water move. The sky turned a dark greyish as I looked up at the sky.

All I wanted to do was hang out with my family. What am I going to do now? I got up and walked out of the garden and went upstairs to the music room and sat in the arm chair by the guitar and grabbed the guitar. It’s been years since I’ve played the guitar. I wonder if I still have my skills. I begin playing Ed Sheeran.

“When the sins of my father; weigh down in my soul. And the pain of my mother will not let me go. Well, I know there can come fire from the sky; to refine the purest of canes. Even though I know this fire brings me pain; even so and just the same. Make it rain, make it rain down, lord. Make it rain, oh make it rain. Make it rain, make it rain down, lord. Make it rain, make it rain.” I sung Ed Sheeran’s Make it rain.

As I finished the song I looked out the window as I strummed the guitar and it was actually raining hard might I add. Oh well. Sucks for whoever was outside. I began playing yet another one of Ed Sheeran’s songs. I happen to love Ed Sheeran. I began playing I see fire but not singing it just the instrumental. I found myself rocking to the instrumental as somebody began to sing to it softly. I then realized it was Kanistia because she was humming along with the other song. How could she not love Ed Sheeran? I basically listen to his music every day. Well no family day for me. Guess I’ll just relax for the rest of the day.

It's not that long, but I have an essay to finish about auto-tune ruining pop music which is quite hard I might add. Enjoy your day guys. Good night to others.  

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