Chapter 16

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Where the heck am I? I got up from the plush king bed I was laying on and walked out the room to see a woman figure looking out into the moonlight.

“Good evening Annabella,” She said as she turned around. “I'm Kanistia or Kan as you like to call me.” She said and I cocked my head looking at her.

“Why am I here?” I asked her walking towards her.

“Your mate is not your real mate.” She said and my eyes widened at that.

“W-what do you mean?” I asked stammering.

“Carlos is not your mate Annabella. Do you remember the man we ran into in the hallway?” She asked and I remembered Malcolm and nodded. “Somebody has captured our mate but he somehow escaped. That’s not the real Carlos because Thaddeus and Carlos would never force you into mating with them and abuse you like this imposter is. The man we ran into is the real Carlos and he shall arrive when you have awakened. Trust me when I say when the real Carlos/Thaddeus is angry you don’t want to be near them. Every person that walks near them burn alive. Now that your body has healed wake up and meet your real mate. The fake one will still be there but he is soon to be dead when you go back to the house. The mark on your neck is gone.” She said and went back to the window but looked back at me with her bright eyes smiling. “Awaken Annabella,” She commanded.

My body jerked and I blinked my eyes rapidly as bright light blinded me. I felt somebody grab my hand and I looked to the side to see Carlos and I jerked my hand away.

“Baby girl it’s me, I'm the real Carlos.” He said reaching for my hand and I looked at his eyes and they were piercing grey with green bluish specks in them. “Look at what this imposter has done to my queen. I'm sorry bella I couldn’t protect you but now I am.” He said kissing my hand.

“Why are you just now showing up?” I asked him and he looked up at me.

“I was captured love; I escaped the day you saw me. The day you put up your protective shield and I walked through it.” He said moving some of my hair out of my eyes. “Have that imposter hit you before?” He asked looking into my eyes.

“A few days after I met him; I met up with my vampire protector and I let him feed from me and he got angry and slammed me against the wall and he beat me and I didn’t know why. He just kept on hitting me and he’ll get angry when I tell him I don’t want to mate with him.” I explained and his eyes started flickering from grey to green bluish eye color.

“I’ll be back love; stay away from him.” He said and kissed my forehead and disappeared and the door opened and in walked my brothers, dad, and Vince.

“How are you feeling?” Dad asked me and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Did you know he was an imposter?” I asked him and they all looked down. “So all of you know and nobody bothered to tell me.” I said and shook my head.

“Your real mate asked us not to knowing you would go out looking for him. We kept quiet and let him work in the background. That day you came into the board room we smelt his scent on you which notified that he was here. Why do you think the imposter have been waiting to mate with you? He wants to take over and he is power hungry baby girl.” Dad said and I nodded in understanding.

“We will leave so he could come in and see you.” Vince said and they all left and in walked the imposter smiling.

“How are you baby?” He asked and I cringed at that and looked at him.

“Healed, what do you want?” I asked him and his eyes begin to flicker.

“I want you to mate with me,” He said getting on the bed and I got up and stood at the side of the bed.

“I'm not mating with you; how many times do I have to say it?” I spat narrowing my eyes and his eyes flickered to the bright blue and a sinister smile slowly made its way on his face.

“Come mate,” He commanded and my legs began to move on their own until I was in front of him and he grabbed me by my arm. “You’re going to mate with us and do not disrespect us.” He yelled in my face and I flinched as my eyes widened and I put my hand on his and burned him and he let go and I backed away from him as he regained his posture and came towards me and snatched me to him by my hair.

“I suggest you let my mate go,” Carlos, my real mate said and I looked towards him and I looked at the imposter and he slowly turned back into his normal self. “Come to me bella,” Carlos commanded and I walked over to him only to be grabbed by my arm. I looked at Carlos and his eyes flickered to the green bluish color and he stalked towards us and snatched me away from the imposter and pushed me behind him. His power was radiating off him and boy was he powerful.  They started fighting after a while and Carlos slowly burned his body alive and turned towards me and hugged me into his chest.

“My mate,” He purred putting his nose in my hair. “Are you ok?” He asked and I nodded and started feeling dizzy his power was really getting to me and I swayed and he chuckled. “That’s my power baby, sleep.” He commanded my body and my body obeyed.

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