Chapter 17

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Can you believe all that I’ve went through? I found out the man I was literally sleeping in the same bed with was an imposter not too long ago and my real mate is such a loving and caring man. How in the hell did this kidnapping thing even happen? My real mate took his rightful spot as the Alpha King and met with the other Alphas today. He doesn’t want me involved with werewolves’ worries but with the Vampire and witches worries. This man is something else; have he not known that my Vampire Kingdom is handle and plus Vince is the Vampire King well of his coven but he’s always helping me when I need him.

As I rinse off my body certain thoughts about my Vampire Kingdom clouded my mind. Maybe I should visit them today and let them me their Vampire Queen with Vince on my side. I got out of the shower drying off my body and walking into the closet connected to the bathroom. I put on a laced bra set and searched the closet for an outfit.

 I finally stopped at some Levi’s, a cream colored long sleeve shirt and a brownish leather jacket over; I grabbed my beige boots and put those on and topped everything off by putting my hair in a ponytail curling it in a loose spiral. I walked out the room and downstairs to the kitchen. Everybody was in the Alpha meeting well my brothers and dad including my mate was in the meeting. I sat at the island eating pancakes until I felt a presence arrive and I instantly knew it was Vince.

“Hello Anna, how’s your day so far?” He asked looking at my food in disgust and I smiled at him.

“It’s just starting Vince,” I said stuffing my face with pancakes. I know not ladylike or Queen like but pancakes are my favorite besides bacon. “I want to go to the Vampire Kingdom today,” I said taking a sip of my orange juice and Vince looked at me surprised.

“Um I don’t think that’s a great idea Anna,” He said suddenly and I looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

“Why?” I questioned and he started stuttering instead of actually telling me why. “I said why?” I commanded more forcefully.

“Some Vampires are not keen on having you as a Vampire Queen,” He quickly said. “Even though I'm a Vampire King they will still throw insults our way when we enter the Kingdom.” He added on and I shrugged not really caring if they don’t like me or not.

“They don’t have to like me but they will respect me as the Vampire Queen I am.” I stated confidently and Vince smiled widened as he looked at me in pride. “Shall we start our journey,” I said standing up from my spot and he stood up and frowned.

“Maybe you should ask Carlos before we go.” He said frowning and I narrowed my eyes at him.

“He’s busy and he will be ok and plus he doesn’t want me handling werewolf business so I'm only handling Vampire’s and Witches.” I said and walked out the palace getting into the SUV that sat waiting for us. Vince got in behind me and closed the door sighing heavily and I just looked over at him glaring.

“To the airport Colton,” Vince commanded.

“Yes King Vince,” He said bowing slightly and drove away from the palace grounds.

“Let me properly introduce you to your Queen Annabella,” Vince said.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Queen Annabella,” Colton said looking through the rearview mirror and I smiled.

“Call me Anna,” I smiled and looked at Vince who was looking out the window until he felt my gaze on him.

“The Vampire Kingdom is hours away we’ll get there quicker with Colton here driving us to  the airport and then boarding a private plane. Be careful Anna I don’t want you to get hurt and then Carlos will be having my head because you got hurt.” He said and I cocked my head to the side noticing his stress. I turned around and looked out the window for the rest of the drive and about 30 minutes later we arrived at the airport and  boarded  the plane. It took about 3.5 hours to get there by plane and Vince said if we drove it would take about 8 hours. We got off the plane and got into the SUV waiting for us.

“This is your palace,” Vince said as we got out the SUV and I nodded in response as Colton took guarding on my left side since Vince was on my right. As soon as we walked through the palace doors whispering erupted and I just shrugged and walked up to the throne and sat down as they kept saying ridiculous things about me.

“I mean just look at her; she looks so childish and I heard her mate doesn’t even want her handling business in the werewolf kingdom only the Vampires and witches kingdom.”

As soon as that comment made it out of that particular person’s mouth anger coursed through my veins and I abruptly raised from my spot pretty sure that my eyes were glowering at everybody around the room.

“Silence,” I hissed throughout the room and that ceased the comments and such nonsense. Some of the Vampires didn’t even make comments but looked at me proudly and smiled at me kindly. “You know nothing about me so I suggest you stop making such comments about my appearances. You ought to be glad that I'm your Vampire Queen and not anybody else. You should-,”

“Nobody wants you as our Queen; you shouldn’t be in that spot.” A female vampire hissed and I cutting me off and I looked at her and smiled. Her body started to convulse before she busted into flames and I turned looking around the room.

“Anybody else has anything out of order to say. Please announce it so I can kill you to.” I spat and was greeted with silence.

“That’s what I thought; let me formally introduce myself. I am Annabella, queen of werewolves’, vampires, and witches, you don’t have to like me but you will respect or be killed either way I'm satisfied with both. Most of the time I will not be here but Vampire King Vince will be by my side and helping me run the kingdom. All I ask for is your trust and believe me when I say I will not allow anybody attack our Kingdom or they will have a painful death. Now I must go back to the Werewolf Kingdom as my mate is getting restless.” I said and stepped off the throne as the crowd parted like the Red Sea and we walked through and out the door and into the SUV.

It took about an hour to get back to the airport because of the traffic and when we got back to the palace I felt the power of my mate and it was strong. I got out the SUV and walked into the palace only to be greeted by Carlos, my dad, and brothers.

“Where have you been?” Carlos demanded and I looked up at him as his power hit me full force and it was making me weak.

“I-I went to go to see about the Vampire Kingdom.” I said weakly and his eyes glowered.

“Without me,” He yelled and I flinched.

“You were in a meeting plus I handle it.” I said and he closed his eyes for a minute and reopened them.

“Next time just tell me you’re going somewhere.” He said as his eyes glowed green bluish and my knees immediately gave out which sent me tumbling to the ground but he caught me and lifted me bridal style smiling. “My power is just too much for you to handle baby. Sorry I’ll push it down around you.” He said as he laid me on the bed kissing my forehead and I felt drunk off of his power.

“Carrrlossss,” I slurred trying to sit up only to have the room turn in circles and I heard his deep baritone chuckle.

“You’re drunk off my power baby. Go to sleep.” He command and my head came in contact with the pillow and I tried fighting the command.

“I looove youu,” I slurred and I heard his chuckle before I obeyed his command and was out like a light.

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