Chapter 21

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When I reached the witch kingdom everybody was looking the SUV with curious eyes but nonetheless felt the authority that was within the SUV. Once I reached the castle I assembled the whole witch kingdom to meet there including kids. Before the meeting begins I toured the castle and looked around at the past Queens when I realized the past Queen was my grandmother. When I got back to the throne the room was filled with witches and warlocks; I went and sat at the throne and smiled nicely at everyone. Out of nowhere a fire ball was thrown towards me and the room seemed to move in slow motion as witches protected me throwing up force field. I smiled at them; they will protect their Queen no matter what.

“Sorry your majesty just testing the kingdom to see if they will protect you from any and everything.” A guard said and I nodded.

“Hello, young witches and warlocks I'm your new Queen Annabella. I am here today to discuss the war that has been called upon my kingdoms.” I said and there was suddenly uproar.

“What war are you talking about my queen?” A warlock asked me stepping up and I stood up.

“Of course you guys haven’t heard of the war. The war has to do with the wolf kingdom but since I'm Queen of all I want everybody to fight together because this war that’s coming has all creatures fighting with them.” I said pacing slightly.

“Where will the training be held?” A witch asked and I smiled at her.

“The training will be held in the Vampire kingdom along with the wolves.” I said and they were about to interrupt me but I held up my hand silencing them. “I am aware the wolves and vampire don’t get along. I am also aware the some witches and warlocks detest wolves and vampires, but this is not about the hate you all hold towards each other. Put all hatred aside and train because we need the strength. Be ready to go by sunset.” I commanded waving them off and I went off towards the office and sat in there and looked at all the paperwork holding the higher ranked warlocks and witches which are some of the best fighters even without their power. So overall there are about 36 fighters who are masters at killing with powers and about 20 that know how to fight with and without powers. When I'm finished with them all 336 of my warlocks and witches will master at fighting with and without powers. This is going to be an interesting war. I walked out the office and headed out the castle where the witches and warlocks were all waiting for me.

“Excuse me queen,” I heard a sweet voice asking me pulling on my pants leg and I looked down and smiled at her.

“Yes sweetie,” I said squatting down to her height.

“How are we getting there Ms. Queen?” She asked and I smiled and picked her up placing her on my hip.

“We are taking the portal. I know I took the plane and SUV but it’s quicker if we just take the portal.” I said and they all nodded. “You guys ready.” I asked and they all nodded once again.

“Pythonissam regnum regnum portal ad vampiri apparere.” Witch kingdom to Vampire kingdom, portal appear. We chanted and the portal appeared and the doors opened and we all walked through the portal and into the Vampire kingdom. Once we were all through the doors sealed and disappeared.

“Alright so you guys I want my higher ranked warrior warlocks and witches to follow me and the rest of you guys are going to be escorted to your room by some of the coven and pack members. There is a meeting at 8:30 in the morning, so be there and don’t be late.” I said and motioned for the higher rank warriors to follow me as we entered the castle. I showed them up to the warrior floor and let them pick out their rooms. After getting them situated I then went out to the training field to see what was going on.

“How was the trip?” Vince asked as he suddenly appeared next to me.

“The trip was great. The witches and warlocks are very protective over me though.” I said and Vince smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked onto the field and watched the training go on. As we watched the training some of the warrior witches and warlocks came down and stood by my side and watched along.

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