Chapter 24

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Being stuck in the bed all day sucks; I'm not allowed to get out of bed unless it’s to take a shower, use the bathroom, brush my teeth, and change my clothes. This literally sucks and I'm about to break all the rules and go on a vampire speed run around the castle.

“You disobey mate too much,” Kanistia commented and I shrugged.

“Who wants to be stuck in one room all week?” I asked back and she didn’t answer.

I climbed out of bed and went into the closet and changed into a onesie; you know the feet pajamas. Yep, I have like ten different ones. I'm literally in love with those things. Once I put it on I snuck out the door quietly looking both ways and then took off down the hallway. Let’s see what to do? I really don’t care about anybody catching me outside the room. I headed down to the indoor gym and went inside. It was pretty crowded in here today. Everybody stopped what they were doing and bowed and went back but some looked at me out of curiosity.

“Queen Annabella you’re not supposed to be outside of your room; I'm just stating the King’s order.” A guard said and I shrugged and walked out the gym and headed outside to the training field. My brothers and father were out there training with Vince and I smiled at them and their eyes widened as they caught sight of me.

“Annabella what the hell are you doing outside of your room?” Andres yelled over at me and I shrugged.

“I got bored!” I exclaimed throwing my hands up in the air.

“You’re not supposed to exit your room Annabella. I thought we made that clear.” Dad said and I shrugged and turned around and walked back to the house.

“I'm not staying in my room, so screw your commanding.” I yelled back at them.

“Carlos gave you an order to stay in the room.” Vince yelled out and I stopped and turned back towards them.

“I don’t care what order Carlos gave me to do. That doesn’t mean I'm going to do it. He can stick it up his ass.” I yelled back and turned around only to be met with a hard chest. I stumbled back and looked up and saw my mate standing there glaring down at me with a stern look.

“Carlos can do what?” He questioned crossing his arms and I let out an uneasy chuckle scratching the back of my neck.

“I didn’t say anything like that honey.” I said smiling innocently at him.

“I thought I told you to stay in the room.” He said grabbing my hand and walking towards the house.

“I'm bored!” I exclaimed as we entered the house.

“Since you’re so bored you can sit in the office with me and watch me work all day.” He said dragging me towards his office.

“No I'm not sitting in there.” I said trying to get his grip off my hand.

“It’s that or either take your stubborn ass back up to that fucking room!” He yelled his voice booming on each stone wall. He turned around facing me and I looked at him. “I shouldn’t be worried about my mate trying to escape our bedroom because she’s so damn mischievous. I can’t even finish what I'm doing because I have guards mind linking me about my mate being out of the room and going on a joy run around the castle.” He angrily spoke running his hands through his hair.


“Don’t speak Annabella; go to the room and fucking stay there. You’re really starting to get on my nerves with your immature behavior.” He spat out not looking at me and begin walking in the direction of his office.

“Well I'm sorry for being so immature and a burden to everybody.” I spoke softly and turned around and ran out the castle. I went towards the woods in a blur to everybody. I climbed up a tree and sat there. I whimpered as I thought about the last words Carlos said to me. I looked down and saw three big black wolves sitting there looking up at me.

“Anna can you climb down from the tree?” Andres questioned.

“I don’t want to annoy anybody with my immature behavior.” I said quietly casting my head down as I sat up against the tree.

“Who the hell told you that?” Andrew asked.

“Carlos, he said I was immature and I'm getting on his nerves acting like this. I don’t want to be a burden on anybody so I’ll just go away.” I sadly stated as my wolf whimpered.

Since Carlos said those words Kanistia has been in the corner and shocked. She was trying to figure out what triggered him to say those exact words to us. I looked down to find the three wolves gone and I looked back up to see dad sitting by me with a sad expression on his face. He opened his arms and I crawled into them burying my face into his neck.

“Don’t cry Bella I'm sure he didn’t mean to say those exact words.” Dad said and I shrugged. “Come on let’s go back to the house.” He said and I shook my head no and he sighed before jumping down.

“I’ll send some guards to guard you.” Dad said.

I sat on the tree watching the sunset and then it was dark. I looked around the woods and could see the guards. He sent vampires, wolves, and warlocks to guard me. I begin to climb down the tree only to lose my grip and I went falling. I landed on the ground hard and winced some and then the guards surrounded me and started helping me up.

“I'm fine guys.” I said waving them off and begin to walk back to the house only to limp. I made it to the house and went towards dad’s room. I knocked before I entered and he came out the bathroom and took in my state and shook his head.

“Go and shower baby girl.” He said and I grabbed one of my onesies from his closet and some undergarments and went to shower. I took a 30 minute shower and got out putting on my clothes. I walked into dad’s room and climbed into bed with him. “Baby girl why don’t you go Andrew’s room; I have to go handle something and I don’t want you to be alone.” He said and I nodded and got out of bed handing towards Andrew’s room. I walked in and saw him lying on his bed watching television he looked over at me and motioned for me to get into bed.

“Why are you limping baby sis?” He asked as he wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer.

“I fell out the tree.” I said softly before pulling the covers over us.

“Are you hurt?” He asked.

“If you mean my heart; then yes I feel like my heart is breaking into tiny pieces and Kanistia is even in a corner whimpering all the time.” I said sadly.

“I didn’t mean that little sister.” He said as he switched off the television and I shrugged.

“My leg hurt.” I said quietly.

“We’ll deal with it in the morning. Go to sleep little sister.” He said before flipping over on his stomach bringing me with him. He wrapped an arm around my waist and fell asleep instantly. I on the other hand couldn’t fall asleep because Carlos’ words were hunting me and I would whimper ever time. I went to sleep with Carlos’ words hunting me.  

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