Chapter 25

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I groaned before sitting up against the headboard rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I looked around the room and realized I'm actually in Andrew’s room. I look around the room for him, but don’t see him. So he must be in the bathroom because I hear the shower running and I actually got to pee. I hastily climbed out of the bed and run towards the bathroom door and knock on it.

“Andrew I really have to pee. Can I come in and pee please?” I softly asked knowing he could hear me.

“Sure sis,” He said and when I walked in I shut my eyes tightly and I heard Andrew chuckling.

“Anna how in the hell are you going to see the toilet if your eyes are closed. It’s not like you can see me; open your eyes.” He said and I opened my eyes to see an enclosure and went to go pee. I sighed in relief after I finished and my stomach automatically begins cramping.

This is the worst time for me to come on my period. I flushed the toilet and smiled sheepishly when Andrew glared at me. I brushed my teeth and walked out the bathroom and went into Andrew’s closet and grabbed an onesie and some undergarments from my draw which he wrote my name on it. I walked out the closet to see Andrew walking in the room with a towel wrapped around his waist but his eyes were on my leg and I looked down and winced at the bruise.

“It doesn’t hurt.” I said quietly and passed by and went into the bathroom and hopped in the shower. I took a 30 minute shower with Andrew’s body wash and washed my hair with his shampoo. I got out and dried off then looked under his sink and got a tampon. After doing that I put on my onesie and walked out the bathroom throwing my dirty clothes in Andrew’s hamper. I turned around to see Andres talking to Andrew and he looked at me.

“Your hair is wet little sister. Come here and sit down.” Andres said as he sat on the bed and opened his legs. I limped over to him slightly wincing in pain and sat down between his legs as he grabbed a brush and turned on the blow drier. He blow dried my hair and then proceeded to put my hair in a French braid down my back.

“Come on Bella we need to go get that leg checked out.” Andrew said as he helped me to my feet and picked me up settling me on his waist and I maneuvered my way on his back as he walked out of his room and down the stairs. He stopped at the kitchen and go me something to eat and then made his way out of the house taking me to the pack hospital. I requested one to be built. Once inside the doctor rushed to me and I told him to get to his other patients before me.

“Alright Queen Annabella what’s the problem?” The pack doctor Andre asked.

“Just check the bruise on her leg.” Andrew said and the doctor took in my attire and I unzipped my onesie and pulled out my leg. Andre hissed at the site of my leg and grabbed it gently.

“What happened?” He asked.

“Uh I lost my balance climbing down from the tree and fell.” I said sheepishly and he shook his head.

“You really shouldn’t even be walking on this leg. Let it heal then you’re good to go.” Doc said and I nodded and Andrew picked me up again and walked out the hospital heading back to the castle. We walked in and spotted dad and Carlos in a heated conversation and Vince flashed by me suddenly.

“Are you alright Bella?” He asked and I nodded looking at him.

“I'm fine,” I whispered to Vince and Carlos sniffed the air and looked towards me with soft eyes and I looked away.

“Come here Bella,” Carlos said softly and Andrew stiffened.

“She can’t walk on her leg and leave my sister alone you bastard.” Andrew hissed at Carlos and he growled.

“You can’t tell me what to do with my mate.” Carlos growled loudly as Andrew walked towards the stairs. “Give me my mate,” He growled at Andrew and Andrew hissed at him and his eyes began to flicker.

“I told you to leave my sister be. I will not ask another time. I don’t care how fucking powerful you are you hurt my sister and I hurt you.” He hissed as his feral side came out.

“Just leave me alone Carlos. I wasn’t your mate when you basically called me a burden. So just please leave me alone.” I said and he huffed and went to grab me out of Andrew’s arms and Andrew started to electrocute him.

“I told you to stay away from my sister. Stay the fuck away from my sister.” Andrew hissed as his eyes turned red and flashed upstairs. “I want you to rest little sister. I'm sorry, but sleep.” Andrew warlock came out and commanded and just like that I fell asleep.   

Merry Christmas People...............My anger possed me to write this no lie......Is it wrong to hit a pregnant person because I'm about to knock her ass off her feet and won't care. 

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