Chapter 6: Just that Awesome

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Stefan, Percy, and Klaus arrived at a warehouse. The hybrid stood over a coffin and peered inside. Elijah was in the mahogany coffin with a silver dagger in his chest.

Percy and Stefan stood off to the side watching Klaus.

The blond spoke to his desiccated sibling. "I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family."

"I'm gonna miss him," the demigod mumbled.

He closed the lid and addressed the two men standing nearby. "Put him with the others. We're leaving town tonight."

Others? So, he didn't bury his family at sea.

Stefan's phone vibrated, causing him to pull it out of his pocket. He received a message from Elena, assuring him that his brother was okay. The doppelgänger also asked where he was.

The hybrid walked towards the pair. Stefan looked up at him. "You won't be seeing Katherine again, you know."

Klaus did not look surprised in the slightest, "Because she's on vervain? I've been around a long time, Stefan. I rarely get played for a fool. Besides she won't get far. You'll help me see to that."

Stefan took several steps toward Klaus. "What is it you really want from me?"

There's so much tension.

"All will be explained in time, once we leave this tragic little town."

Stefan met his gaze head on, "Then, are we done here?"

"Yeah. Can we go? I'm bored." The demigod piped up.

The hybrid replied, "Not quite." He kept his attention on Stefan, "You see, I have a gift for you."

Klaus turned around and waved a girl over to him. "Come here, sweetheart." The girl stepped out from behind the corner. "Don't be afraid," he encouraged.

Percy stepped forward in front of the girl. "Nope, nope, nope. No."

"Ah, come on, love. Just a little taste," Klaus spoke to the demigod.

"Let her go." She enunciated each word clearly. The hybrid could see a storm brewing in her eyes. He knew she wouldn't back down.

He stared right back into her sea green eyes. They seemed to change different shades depending on her mood. At the moment, he was looking at harsh, dark waters. There was a tide that drew you in despite the sign of danger.

"Fine. We've stayed long enough. Let's go." Klaus relented.

The curly haired man began walking back to the car.

The Salvatore looked at Percy in awe. "How did you-?"

Percy shrugged. "I'm just that awesome, I guess." The girl behind the raven haired beauty was still shaking.

Stefan shook his head. He stepped closer and compelled the girl to forget.

The demigod started walking back to the car, with a baffled Stefan following.

Maybe, this trip wouldn't be so bad. Stefan thought to himself.

Oh, how wrong he was.


"Don't stop me now!
cause I'm having a good time,
Don't stop me now!
Yes, I'm having a good time!" Percy loudly sang the lyrics to the song, 'Don't Stop Me Now,' by Queen.

The demigod had the song playing from the car after connecting her phone to the radio. She was seated in the passenger seat, while Stefan was stuck in the backseat.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now