Chapter 7: Dead Ends

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A few more weeks passed by as the trip continued. The trio had stopped at countless hotels on their journey. The search for werewolves proved to be more difficult than what was originally anticipated.

Klaus found a few leads but they always led to a dead end.

Arriving at yet another hotel room, Percy drifted off to sleep.


Percy walked through camp. Her heart beat erratically as she looked at the bodies surrounding her.

They're all dead.

It's all my fault.

She felt guilt rise in her at the surroundings. The sea green eyed girl couldn't help the thoughts that entered her mind.

'Maybe, if I was faster I could have saved them. Maybe, no one would have gotten hurt, if I was stronger.'

The demigod was plagued by 'what if's.'

She felt responsible for all the deaths in the war. She saw all their faces, their eyes empty. The girl couldn't help but wish she died with them.

All Percy could think was, 'It's all my fault.'


The hybrid heard Percy screaming and sped to her door. He had an extra key for their rooms, so he opened it.

Klaus threw the door open and was a bit surprised to see that the demigod wasn't being attacked. She was thrashing in her bed as a nightmare took over her mind.

The blond rushed forward and tried to avoid her hits. She was punching and kicking in her sleep.

Klaus cursed as she continued thrashing around.

Without thinking, he gently but firmly grabbed her arms and held her close. "Percy, wake up."

Her body calmed down for a moment. Then, she started flailing her limbs again. He felt her hit his arm and almost winced.

Stefan entered the room, since Klaus left the door open. "What's going on?"

The hybrid kept his attention on the demigod. He tried entering her mind, but it was like there was a wall blocking him from doing so.

Suddenly, Percy screamed so loud, she woke herself up.

Although she awoke, Percy wasn't aware of her surroundings. She could only see the fallen bodies of campers. The blood mixed with the tears. She could only hear the voice in her head saying, 'It's all my fault.'

The sentence played over and over, in a never ending cacophony of thought. It felt so real. The green eyed girl felt as though she was experiencing it all over again.

She raised her hand to pull at her hair as she tried to dismiss her thoughts. The demigod squeezed her eyes shut, thinking, 'Get out of my head.'

When Percy pulled herself out of it, her body slackened. She was overwhelmed by exhaustion. Her heart still beat rapidly in her chest. The raven haired girl was only vaguely aware of the voices around her.

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