Chapter 40: Laughably Impotent

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Caroline and Tyler had left the house for a few hours. Percy and Rudy both ate and drank water.

When Tyler and Caroline returned, they were holding the sword that was the key to the hunter's mark.

"Come to show how laughably impotent you are against me?" Klaus greeted them.

Percy snorted.

He's so sweet and kind.

The Lockwood replied, "I'm just trying to help my friends find the cure." He gestured to the sword. "Found this in your attic."

The attic. Really?

"And you think finding the sword brings you closer to the cure?" The original hybrid questioned.

Tyler responded, "You tell me. I was playing around with the handle on the ride over," he removed a thin cloth that was covering the handle to reveal small letters on it, "and I found this." There were small pieces of metal on the hilt that created small windows displaying the letters.

"And what do you think this is?" Klaus asked.

Caroline stepped forward. "It's called a cryptex."

When Tyler looked at her in surprise and confusion, she continued, "I've seen the Da Vinci Code."

Klaus looked slightly impressed as she proceeded. "You turn the different sides to the different symbols to get the translation on the other side. And with the magic of the internet, Elena sent over these." She picked up pictures of the hunter's mark. "So now all we have to do is cryptex away." The blonde vampire sat down on another couch in the room. A laptop and the images were laid out in front of her.

When Jeremy and Percy had first drawn the hunter's tattoo on Connor, most of the mark was already completed. And after the hybrid and demigod returned from Italy, Klaus had the hunter kill more vampires, thus completing his mark.

With Klaus being stuck in the Gilbert's living room, the Scooby gang was able to find Connor. Jeremy, who was able to see the mark drew the rest of the tattoo. His art work gave the group the full map to the cure.

Elena sent over pictures of Jeremy's work to Caroline, so that they had copies of the tattoo too.

Caroline glanced at the group who was still trapped in the room. "If you happened to want to help, we wouldn't stop you."

"Why should we help? Getting the cure, would mean raising Silas." Kol spoke up. Rudy was laying across his lap.

Klaus nodded. "Right. Well, might I suggest using the magic of the internet to purchase an Aramaic-to-English dictionary from your nearest retailer?"

Percy grinned.

"What's Aramaic?" Tyler looked at the Forbes girl in confusion.

She answered, "It's a dead language. It hasn't been used since like, biblical times."

"Qetsiyah's native tongue, I'm guessing." Klaus added. "You know, even if you had the best dictionary in the world, it could take days to translate...perhaps weeks."

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