Chapter 52: First Impressions

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After Percy got Klaus invited into Camp Half-Blood, she gave them a tour of the area.

She pointed out where the cabins were, the Big House, and the amphitheater. They walked by the climbing wall.

The three beings paused their steps as they watched demigods climb the tall climbing wall. As the skilled beings rushed to the top, lava fell from above them.

The hybrid watched in utter shock. "Is that-" He struggled to complete his sentence, so he decided to simply not finish it. "Bloody hell."

She shrugged. "That's just the climbing wall."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "...With lava?"

"Yeah," Percy shrugged again. "Have you never seen a climbing rock wall with lava before?"

Klaus replied. "I guess I haven't."

Rosie looked at the lava with intriqué. "Looks fun."

Percy nodded and sent her a proud smile. "Heck yeah," she held out her hand towards the younger demigod.

Rosie high-fived her.

"Can I learn how to do that?" She pointed to the skilled demigods gracefully moving to the top.


The corners of her lips rose. "Cool."

Klaus was still amazed by the scene. "I'm curious as to what would happen if someone slipped?"

His question cut off as the group watched a demigod fall and get a bit burned by lava.

Medics from the Apollo cabin immediately rushed over to aid the camper.

"They get healed." Percy replied nonchalantly with a shrug.

The hybrid continued watching in awe. "And you've done this before?"

The raven haired beauty nodded. "Yeah. I barely made it to the top when I was new. But, eventually you learn how to climb to the best level without getting burned."

His eyes turned back to her. "You can do this without getting burned?" His words were soft as he regarded her adoringly.

She nodded. "Yeah." Gesturing to the climbing wall, she added, "It's actually kinda fun when you get the hang of it."

"Awesome," Rosie commented.

The trio began walking around the camp more. Percy held the hybrid's hand as they wandered around.

They walked past the amphitheater and arts and crafts station. As they continued farther, the trio arrived near the volleyball court.

A boy and a girl who looked to be about the same age as Rosie wandered over. The boy had messy blonde hair and brown eyes. The girl had thick black curly hair and olive skin. The girl was holding a volleyball.

The young girl smiled at Rosie. "Hi! I'm Clara and this is Marcus." She gestured to blond next to her, who smiled shyly. "We're gonna play volleyball, do you wanna join?"

Rosie's face lit up. She looked back at Percy for permission.

The sea green eyed girl sent her an encouraging smile. "Go have fun."

The brunette grinned and took a step towards the other two kids. Glancing back, she held out her fist toward the older demigod.

Percy laughed and gave her a fist bump. Rosie then held her fist out towards the hybrid. He gently tapped her fist with his own in response.

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