Chapter 46: Gone

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Percy slowly awoke from her slumber. Rudy was laying beside the demigod in her bed.

The sea green eyed girl pushed the blankets off of her. She gently scratched the fur behind the puppy's floppy ears.

His adorable brown eyes looked up at her. He rolled on his back. "Aw, do you want your tummy rubbed?"

He let out a small bark, as if assuring her that he did.

Percy rubbed his tummy. "Do you wanna go get breakfast?"

Rudy happily jumped up. His tail wagged excitedly as the demigod got out of the bed.

He leapt off the bed and rushed to the door of the room. The dog glanced back at her, waiting for them to walk down to the kitchen.

She laughed a bit and opened the door. The duo walked down the steps.

When they entered the kitchen, Percy picked up his dish and filled it with dog food. She also refilled his bowl of water.

As Rudy ate his breakfast, the demigod checked her phone. Rebekah sent her a text, informing her that they hadn't seen anyone else from the other side. So, there was a chance that Bonnie used her magic to send them back.


The raven haired beauty quickly typed back a response. She looked up from her phone, to see Rudy finished his food.

Percy walked toward the door, Rudy following close behind. They went outside and the daughter of the sea watched as Rudy explored the yard.

Her phone rang, causing her to pull the device out of her pocket. Percy smiled softly when she saw Paul was calling her. She hadn't talked to her family in a while.

She answered it. "Hi! What's up?"

Paul was silent for a moment, before he responded. "Hey, Percy," his tone didn't share her excitement. His voice sounded rough with worry and exhaustion.

"Is everything okay?" She suddenly became serious.

"I-" He stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "Sally and I were in a car accident."

Percy felt waves of worry hit her. "Is everyone okay? What happened? Is mom-"

"I only got a small injury on my arm. And thankfully Estelle was with a babysitter at the time, but," He made a sound that told Percy he was crying. "Sally looked much worse. The doctors are with her right now, and I can't see her."

He took a shaky breath. "I'm so scared."

The sea green eyed girl closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was worried too.

Nodding, she responded softly, "I know. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay. I'll send you the address of the hospital." His voice still sounded nervous.

"Alright. I'll see you soon. And Paul?"

Her stepdad spoke, "Yeah?"

"Mom is really strong. Remember that."

Paul took in her words. "She is," he whispered.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now