Chapter 16: Collide

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Percy woke up hearing a loud crash. Her eyes opened to see Rebekah and Stefan fighting.

"Consider me jealous." The original said before stabbing him with something.

The demigod pushed herself off the ground and leaned on the wall for support for a moment. She tried to walk the tiredness off as she jumped off the truck.

Percy removed her hair from a messy bun and let her wavy hair fall to her shoulders. The sea green eyed girl glanced back at the two vampires. Stefan was now on the ground and Rebekah walked up to her.

"What's going on?" The demigod asked.

The original replied, "We're going to go see the doppelgänger."

Before Percy could respond, the blonde grabbed her hand and sped them to the high school.

Rebekah stopped using vampire speed when they entered the school.

How many school events does this place have?

They walked through the hallways, until the demigod spotted something that made her stop. She turned away from the blonde and walked towards the vending machine.

"What are you doing?" Rebekah questioned.

Percy shrugged without looking back at the original. "Getting snacks."

Because I have priorities.

The blonde got tired of waiting and left.

After the demigod got a bag of pretzels and chocolate chip cookies, she walked back down the hallway.

The raven haired beauty heard voices from the gym. Percy approached the doors to the gymnasium and kicked them open.

She walked in, confidence oozing out of her.

"Sup, dudes."

She saw Elena standing next to Klaus. There were two other students standing a few feet away. Matt and Bonnie were there too.

The doppelgänger yelled out, "Percy! Get out of here!"

The demigod looked up. "Well, now I'm definitely staying." She opened the package of cookies and stuffed one in her mouth.

She noticed everyone was looking at her. "What?" The group turned their attention back to the hybrid. His gaze, however, remained on Percy. "Hello, love. I was wondering when you'd show up."

The gym doors slammed open again and Rebekah walked in with Tyler.

"Get off of me!" The Lockwood said in an aggravated tone.

"Hush now," Rebekah said as she dragged the werewolf toward her brother.

Klaus spoke up, "I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah."

"Hi Rebekah." The demigod said with a mouth full of cookie.

The original smiled at the girl. "Hello, Percy."

"Word of warning —she can be quite mean." The hybrid spoke.

Percy sassily retorted, "Right, 'cause she's the mean one."

Klaus sent her a devilish smirk.

The 'less mean' original replied to her brother, "Don't be an ass."

It's impossible for him not to be.

Rebekah shoved Tyler toward the hybrid. "Leave him alone," Elena demanded.

"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during transition. It's quite horrible, actually."

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now