Chapter 31: White Oak

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The demigods were gathered at Percy's house.

"We missed it?!" Thalia exclaimed in disappointment.

Percy sent her a small apologetic smile. "My phone died. I'm sorry."

Annabeth shook her head. "Try to charge your phone next time, Seaweed Brain."

The sea green eyed girl sent her a grin. "I'll try."

Reyna glanced at Nico. "So, the witch is actually a ghost now?"

The son of Hades nodded. "Yeah."

Will kept his focus on his boyfriend. "You need to rest. Doctor's orders."

"I'm fine." Nico mumbled.

Will gave him a look. "Resting is good for your health."

The dark haired boy turned his head to the side and crossed his arms. Will moved his face closer and kissed his cheek.

Nico blushed and slumped in his seat, huffing slightly.

Relationship goals.


The next morning, the friends said goodbye to each other. The rest of the demigods, excluding Annabeth, were returning back home.

Annabeth and Percy headed to Mystic Grill to get something to eat. They sat down at a table and waited for a waiter.

The blonde scanned the restaurant. "Hey, isn't that Finn?"

Finn sat at a table across from a red haired woman.

Percy saw where she was looking and nodded. "Yup. Do you think he's on a date?"

The daughter of Athena shrugged. "Maybe."

"Good for him." The sea green eyed girl grinned.


The two demigods stopped conversing, when they saw Finn and Sage spit out their drinks. Both of the vampires' faces contorted in pain.


Stefan Salvatore stood near the back door of the grill. Finn noticed and rose from his seat, Sage following close behind.

Annabeth and Percy locked eyes for a moment. They got up from their chairs and followed as well.

Walking out of the restaurant, they saw Stefan try to attack Finn. Sage quickly intercepted, and threw the Salvatore onto the ground.

When Stefan landed on the cement, something fell out of his hand. The wooden object rolled to the side.

"Finn, the stake!" Sage yelled.

The original sped toward the stake to pick it up. Percy vapor traveled next to him.

Elena ran out of the back door and shot an arrow at Finn. Annabeth caught it mid-air.

Stefan used his vampire speed to rush at the original. He attempted to stab Finn with the stake, only for Percy to tear it from his grip. She sent a high kick at the Salvatore, causing him to fly back several feet into the air.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now