Chapter 48: I Do Not Have Eyes

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The hybrid didn't want to let go of Percy. His arms continued to hold her and she didn't try to pull away.

"Nik?" The raven haired beauty spoke into his chest.

"Yes, love?"

Percy replied, "I still can't stay."

He moved back slightly to see her face, but didn't let go. Klaus' eyes seemed a bit confused.

"The reason I left in the first place was because my mom was in the hospital. Her and Paul were in a car accident."

Before she could further her explanation, Klaus' eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Are they okay?"

The sea green eyed girl nodded a bit. "Yeah. They were discharged from the hospital, but my mom is still healing, so I have to go back to help out and stuff."

"Okay." The original gazed into her sea green eyes. "I'm going with you."

Percy shook her head slightly. "Nik, it's not going to be some fun adventure or anything. And we're not staying at some fancy mansion, it's one tiny apartment. I can't expect you to just pack up your stuff and go to New York with me."

"Love, I may prefer mansions, but I honestly don't care where I am if you're there with me." His infamous smirk appeared in his face. "I want to be with you through the good times and the bad, through sickness and in health."

The demigod had a small amused smile on her face and raised an eyebrow. "First you kneel in front of me, and now you're reciting lines from wedding vows?"

He chuckled and his smirk grew. "Yes, love. I'm clearly trying to woo you."

"Is that what this is?" She spoke with a teasing smile. "I don't know if it's working."

His arrogant expression didn't fade. "Well, love, just give it some time. I'm sure it'll work."

Eh. Kinda doubt it.

"So, can I go with you to New York?" He gave her pleading puppy dog eyes.

Percy playfully rolled her eyes with a small smile. "Sure."

Klaus grinned and stepped back slightly. "I'm going to go pack a bag." He looked down at his shirt, before looking back up at her. "Is there enough time for me to take a quick shower?"

The demigod laughed, "Yeah, okay. Go get ready."

The original's dimples appeared as he admired the small smile on her face.

You'd think someone with vampire speed could move faster than that.

"Run, Forest, Run."

Klaus chuckled and moved forward once more to press a quick kiss on her cheek, before going upstairs.

Percy sighed slightly.

He's such a dork.

➳ ➳

About fifteen minutes later, the demigod realized there was a few items she wanted to pick up from her house as well.

She went upstairs to let Klaus know that she'd be back in a few minutes. She heard the water turn off from the bathroom in the hallway.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now