Chapter 8: Rudy

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Stefan, Klaus and Percy were back in the car. The demigod was once again seated in the front seat, while Stefan was left in the back. The vampire was actually thankful to have a bit of distance from the pair in the front. They both drove him crazy.

Percy was happily munching on strawberry pancakes and bacon. They had stopped at a diner to pick up some food for her.

The demigod took more bites of the sugary food, savoring the flavor. Stefan ruined the moment.

"So, how much longer are we going to be at this? It's been months."

Klaus responded, "The fun is just beginning, mate. Aren't you having the least bit of fun?"

"Maybe, I'm sick of werewolf hunting. All of your 'leads' led us no where." The younger Salvatore replied.

"Someone's grumpy," the demigod commented. She sent him a playful smile.

Stefan looked back at her. "And why are you so okay with all of this?"

Percy shrugged, "It could be way worse."

The vampire's brows furrowed. Stefan didn't get how it could be worse. He also still couldn't understand why she wasn't just as frustrated as him.

The sea green eyed girl ate the last bite of food in the container.

She moved it to the side and picked up her phone. Percy put earbuds in and played music from her device. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the head rest.

A few hours later, the group finally arrived at a house. They were supposed to find two women that lived there. The women would hopefully lead them to a pack of werewolves.

Percy saw a woman walking around outside the house. "Rudy!" She called out.

The blonde whistled loudly. "Come on. It's too hot to make me come looking for you." She picked up a dog toy from off the ground.

The demigod was excited by the idea of a puppy. However, she was a bit peeved by the owner's comment. Something like temperature should not get in the way of finding your dog. Dogs are precious.

The hybrid grabbed her hand and walked up to the woman. She jumped back in surprise when she saw the two.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Klaus said in a bad American accent. Percy hoped to never hear it again.

The blonde girl made a face of disgust as she examined Percy. The demigod was currently wearing a Star Wars t-shirt. "Can I help you?" The woman asked in a snobby way.

Klaus's eyes filled with annoyance and slight anger.

Percy forced a fake smile. "Yeah, our car ran out of gas a couple miles back."

The hybrid added, "I feel like we've been walking forever. Yours is the first house we'd come to. So we were just hoping we could use your phone."

"Don't you have a cell phone?" She asked in a rude tone of voice.

The curly haired man fake chuckled, "Heh, yeah, battery died." He pulled out the device showing her the black screen.

She nodded and peered at Percy again with distaste. "What about your freak of a girlfriend? Too weird to own a phone?" Her words, incredibly judgmental as she regarded the t-shirt.

Klaus rushed forward, his hand wrapping around the woman's neck. "You don't get to talk to her that way. And I thought you country folk were supposed to be more accepting and trusting."

"I'm from Florida," she choked out.

The hybrid responded, "Well, that explains it." He compelled her, "Now show me a little southern hospitality, sweet pea."

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