Chapter 22: Darts and Hearts

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The demigod and hybrid walked into Mystic Grill.

Percy walked up to the employee at the front. "Hey, can I place an order to go?"

"Sure. What can I get you?"

The raven haired beauty smiled. "A cheeseburger with fries. Oh! And a strawberry lemonade, please."

The employee nodded. "Alright, that'll be out soon."

"Thank you!"

Percy spotted the doppelgänger talking with the blue eyed Salvatore. She nudged the hybrid's arm and gestured to them. He nodded.

Damon and Elena were standing really close to each other as they flirted.

Is she dating Damon now?

They walked up to the pair.

"Don't mind me." The hybrid spoke with a smirk.

The two spun around. Elena looked frightened when she discovered who spoke. "Klaus."

Klaus noticed her fear and his smirk widened.

Damon stood in front of Elena protectively. "You're going to do this in the grill, in front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just came down to my local pub to get Persephone something to eat." The hybrid replied.

At the mention of food, the demigod looked back in the direction of the kitchen longingly.

The doppelgänger glared coldly at Percy. She didn't understand why the demigod was acting so nonchalant about being with the hybrid.

Klaus directed his attention to the hybrid he brought with them. "Get a round, then, would you, Tony."

Tony walked off to get them drinks.

Klaus wrapped his arm around Percy's waist. The action caused the Salvatore to scoff.

Damon continued, "I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour." After speaking to Klaus, he gave Percy a cold look.

The demigod, however, was just thinking about food.

Klaus responded, "My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out."

"Cute, blond, bombshell, psycho? Shouldn't be too hard to find." The blue eyed vampire commented.

Klaus let go of Percy's waist to step toward the two threateningly. "Truth is, I've grown to rather like your little town. Thinking I might fancy a home here."

Percy stopped paying attention to the conversation, when a waiter arrived with her food. The sea green eyed girl payed for the meal and grabbed the bag.

"Thank you."

She pulled out the strawberry lemonade and a straw. She began hitting the straw against a nearby table to get the paper wrapping off.

The three people conversing momentarily stopped, to look over at her. Klaus smiled in amusement.

He glanced back at the doppelgänger. "You can tell me where I might find Stefan."

Percy called out, "You mean, Stefano." She continued trying to get the paper covering off the straw.

How strong can a piece of paper be?

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