Chapter 11: Lost

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Percy paced around her hotel room. She was consumed by her thoughts.

The demigod texted Annabeth about the hybrid situation. She figured the daughter of Athena might be able to do some research on the matter.

After Percy had first moved to Mystic Falls, she had informed her friend about the existence of the supernatural creatures like vampires.

Annabeth was very interested by the topic when Percy had told her. The demigod read up on different legends and old books she found at the cabin.

The sea green eyed girl was currently waiting for Annabeth to find information on why the original couldn't make more hybrids.

Percy knew Elena wasn't dead-dead. She knew about Damon feeding Elena his blood. So, she should be a vampire. Vampires are technically dead, so she didn't see why that should affect Klaus's ability to make hybrids. Besides, Elena did die during the sacrifice so why should her current state have anything to do with it? Percy wanted to find out if there was another reason the transition wasn't working.

It is plausible that the hybrid wasn't given all the information he needed. After all, it was the witches who placed a curse on him. They could have lied to him too.

Annabeth texted her. "Are you sure the girl was turned into a vampire?"

Percy paused. She only heard about Elena being forced to drink Damon's blood. She only heard about Klaus killing her.

Either way, Percy saw Elena before she left on the werewolf hunting trip. She was definitely alive, whether it was as a vampire or human. The demigod mentally scolded herself for not paying attention to the doppelgänger when she brought the cure to Damon.

They could have brought her back some other way. Percy's mind was full of possibilities.

The raven haired beauty sent a 'no' in response.

She didn't know enough about the situation. She left before they could tell her. The demigod couldn't reach out to any member of the Scooby gang because Klaus had her delete their numbers when they left on the trip. He didn't want her telling them the location.

Percy threw herself on the bed.

If they couldn't find another reason as to why Klaus couldn't make hybrids, the demigod would tell him the truth.

She hated seeing him so lost. The look on his face when the hybrids didn't work was heartbreaking.

The demigod had this natural instinct to help him. Percy didn't want to hide things from him.

The raven haired beauty didn't know why she felt so attached to him in their short time of knowing each other. But, the pair felt pulled to each other, unlike anything else. It felt as if she knew him her whole life.


Why do Percy and Nik feel pulled to each other? Could there be some majestic reason?

I wonder.



also, this chapter is WAY too short to really be considered a chapter. sorry my dudes. at least it was the second one I posted today.

thoughts or suggestions?

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