Chapter 26: Family Above All

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Percy sat on one of the coffins, her legs swinging back and forth.

One of Klaus's hybrids spoke. "You have your family back. Finally. You going to open them?"

"Not quite yet." The original replied, his dimples shining through.

The raven haired beauty pouted. "What about Elijah?"

Klaus glanced over at her. "I still have some unfinished business to take care of, love."

He began walking out the doorway and Percy followed. Unfinished business sounded more exciting than sitting on a coffin.

Klaus's minion tried to follow too. "What business?"

The original turned around to respond. Suddenly, the minion groaned out in agony. He fell to the floor and Elijah was revealed.

Yay! Elijah!

The suit loving original dropped the heart of Klaus's hybrid on the ground demonstratively.


"Elijah!" Percy exclaimed happily. She was glad to see him again. Klaus, however, looked at his sibling in shock.

The demigod rushed forward and hugged Elijah. His arm with the hand that wasn't dripping with blood, wrapped around her. "Hello, Persephone."

"Hi!" She sent him a grin. The corners of his mouth went up in response. Percy let go of him.

He looked into her eyes. "I would love to catch up with you, but I'm afraid I have matters to attend to with Niklaus."

Haha. Knee-klaus.

Percy nodded with another smile. Elijah turned his attention to his brother. "So, Niklaus. What did I miss?" He stepped closer to Klaus.

Elijah pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. He cleaned the blood off of his hand. "You look surprised to see me." The original noticed. "I guess it wasn't you that removed the dagger from my chest." Elijah looked between the two beings.

"You look like you could do with a drink. And we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?" Klaus spoke as he gestured to the door.

That was a bad attempt at changing the subject.

Elijah smoothly threw the small cloth to the side, before speeding at his sibling. He punched Klaus in the face, and threw him through a glass door that separated the two rooms.

"Danggggg." Percy commented.

The original hybrid pushed himself off the ground. "Easy! I just finished renovating." He growled.

The blond charged at Elijah. Tackling the brown eyed original to the ground, Klaus stood back up. "You know, you have every right to be mad at me, but I kept my word." He held his arms up dramatically. "I reunited you with our family."

Elijah swiftly punched the hybrid with one arm, before swinging again with the other. He sent another blow, that caused Klaus to fly back onto one of the coffins.

They moved very quickly, but the demigod could easily keep track of the fight.

She clapped and cheered. "Woo!"

Klaus threw open the lid to one of the coffins and ripped out a dagger from someone's chest. Elijah sped at his sibling, and Klaus shoved him against a coffin. "Don't make me do this to you again, Elijah!"

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