Chapter 59: Sleeping Arrangements

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After the pair cleaned up the beach house, they returned back home. Currently, the two were sitting on a picnic blanket in the fancy Mikaelson backyard. They were taking turns throwing a rope toy for Rudy to run after and fetch.

The puppy's tail wagged as he brought the toy back to Percy. She held out her hand and he dropped it, excitedly waiting for her to throw it.

"Nik, I have a very important question." The raven haired beauty spoke. Usually when she said that, the question was not very important. And this situation, of course, was no different.

Klaus looked over at her. "Yes, love?"

"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" As she asked the question, she threw the rope toy for Rudy to go fetch.

He sighed dramatically, but the corners of his lips tugged upwards. "I don't know, love. 100?"

"Nope!" Percy shook her head. "Siri said the answer is 42."

His eyebrows rose in amusement. "42 what? What's the unit of measurement?"

"She didn't say. Just 42."

"But that could be 42 of anything." He pointed out.

She nodded. "Exactly. That's what makes it fun."

He shook his head, but his smile had widened.

"Besides, your guess was 100. That doesn't have a unit of measurement either."

He chuckled, "Yeah, alright, love."

Rudy ran back to the hybrid, giving him the rope toy for him to throw. Klaus chucked the toy for the dog to run after again.

The puppy happily chased after it.

The hybrid glanced back at the demigod. "Do we still have to go to the graduation tomorrow?"

She laughed. "Yes. Well, at least I'm still going."

He groaned as he fell backwards onto the picnic blanket. "To be clear, love, I'm only going because you're going."

A grin appeared on her features, "Of course. I wouldn't expect any different."

His head turned to look at her. When her eyes met his dark blue ones, she blew him a kiss.

He pretended to catch it and placed his hand on his lips. Klaus sent her a playful smirk. "Thank you for the kiss, love."

She laughed. "Yeah, you're welcome."

Rudy returned with the toy and delivered it to Percy. The demigod threw the rope toy in a different direction to make things more interesting for him.

The brown eyed doggo yipped excitedly when he got the rope toy. He proudly ran back to the hybrid and presented him with the toy.

Klaus accepted it and threw it out into the yard, allowing Rudy to run after it once more.

He's the cutest doggo. Percy thought to herself. Absolutely precious.

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