Chapter 45: Ice-cream

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The next day, Hazel came to visit, after checking that it was okay with Percy. The demigod, of course, agreed immediately.

The appearance of the daughter of Hades, brought Annabeth, Hazel, and Percy to the Mikaelson mansion. Rudy, of course, was with them as well.

Annabeth looked at the sea green eyed girl. "Percy, when was the last time you trained?"

Good question.

The daughter of the sea tried to remember how long it has been since she had last trained. "Uh... I don't really know."

The blonde stood up. "Alright. Let's go. We're training."

"Right now?"

Annabeth nodded. "Yes."

Once the three demigods gathered weapons that Percy had stashed at her house, the raven haired beauty vapor traveled them back to the Mikaelsons'.

Their property had a lot of land, which gave them a lot of space. Rebekah, watched from a few feet away, in support of her girlfriend. Rudy sat beside the blonde original.

Annabeth started, "Alright. First, let's start with no weapons. It's gonna be Hazel and I against you."

Percy nodded. "Okay."

Hazel and Annabeth ran at Percy. The three demigods skillfully battled.

Each of them were immensely quick, and dodged each other's hits gracefully.

After hearing the commotion, the other originals came outside to watch. The grey eyed demigod managed to kick Percy's knee, when Percy got distracted by glancing at the hybrid. The next moment Annabeth judo flipped her on the ground.

The raven haired beauty couldn't help but laugh. "Just like old times, Wise Girl."

"You got distracted, Seaweed Brain." The blonde commented with a small smile.

Percy easily jumped back up. "Let's do it again."


"Okay, give me fifty push-ups without stopping." Annabeth directed.

The raven haired beauty got on the ground and started counting each push-up.

When she reached fifty, she pushed herself back to a standing position. "Easy."

Hazel raised an eyebrow slightly. "Then, do another fifty." She smiled.

Laughing a bit, Percy dropped to the grass and began doing push-ups again.

Once she finished, Percy stood back up.

The trio continued to do sit-ups and other exercises. After finding a sturdy branch on a tree, the sea green eyed girl also did sets of fifteen pull-ups.

Despite the demigod's lack of training within the recent months, she didn't feel exhausted after the different exercises.

Annabeth found a few cinder blocks near the side of the house. After the demigods carried them back over to where they were training, the raven haired beauty grinned.

The grey eyed demigod held the block up. Percy punched it. Hard.

The cinder block broke and the daughter of the sea cheered. "That's really fun."

"Ooo can I try?" Hazel asked with an excited smile.

Percy grinned and stepped away, so that Hazel could try. Annabeth held another cinder block up, and Hazel's fist went right through it, breaking it as well.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now