Chapter 38: Silas

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Klaus wasn't a huge fan of the rain. The weather would mess up his curly hair, and he viewed it as a hassle. He felt drops of rain roll down his skin.

His dead heart sped up as she moved closer. Klaus didn't understand how she could have such a huge effect on him. Percy softly placed her hand on his cheek and looked up at him. Suddenly, he forgot all about the rain.

He could hear her heartbeat quicken, as she moved even closer to his face. The raven haired beauty glanced down at his lips, and the next moment their lips collided.

The sea green eyed girl moved her lips against him gently. Klaus pulled her in closer and immediately kissed back. He deepened the kiss and Percy's hand found its way to his hair.

He wished it could last forever.

The demigod softly pulled away to catch her breath. Her eyelids fluttered back open to glance up at him.

She's so bloody perfect.

He didn't notice the small happy smile that grew on his face, when he was too busy admiring her own.

She kissed me.

She actually kissed me.

She's going to be the death of me.

Everything about her was so addicting. He couldn't think of anything else but her.

Percy has infiltrated his every thought and action. Her sea green eyes drew him in and it was impossible to stop himself from falling into them.

And, suddenly, the hybrid found himself having a new appreciation for the rain. Any annoyance he harbored against the weather vanished.

Because, she was in his arms. And the onslaught of rain falling from the sky, was nothing compared to the way he was falling for her.


Percy and Klaus were back in Mystic Falls. The hybrids successfully retrieved the sword from the church in Italy. The demigod used the mist to make airport security believe the item was a carry-on bag.

The raven haired beauty was pacing the living room of the Mikaelson house, holding a juice box. "I'm bored." She dragged out the word 'bored' for emphasis.

Kol sat on the couch, regarding her with amusement. "Well, what do you want to do, darling?"

"I don't knowww." She continued pacing. "I've been sitting on a plane for ten hours, I need to do something fun."

Abruptly, the raven haired beauty grinned as an idea came to her. "Have you ever been laser tagging?"

"No. What is it?" Kol questioned.

"Plastic guns go pew pew with bright colors." Percy explained with her extensive vocabulary.

Kol nodded slowly. "Sounds fun."

The demigod nodded and sipped her juice box.

"So where is this laser tagging?" Kol asked.

Percy laughed.

He's going down.


Kol and Percy sat in the parking lot of a laser-tagging place. They each held large Icees, which were frozen sugary drinks.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now