Chapter 42: Prom

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The demigod laid on the couch, tossing Riptide in the air and catching it. The sword was in pen form.

Rudy was sleeping in his fancy dog bed.

Klaus raised a concerned eyebrow. "The sword doesn't just randomly come out right?"

The sea green eyed girl laughed and shook her head. "No."

He nodded. "Can I see it?"

Percy sat up.

The corners of her mouth went up, and she motioned for them to go outside.

When they left the house, the demigod uncapped Riptide. The celestial bronze sword appeared in her hands.

She took a few steps away from him and twirled the sword. The daughter of the sea gracefully moved the sword in different directions through the air, showing her expertise with it.

Percy handed it out towards the hybrid, with the hilt facing him.

Klaus took it and examined the blade. He began speaking, "My brothers and I were taught sword-fighting, when we were human."

The raven haired beauty watched as he slowly repeated some of the moves she did. "Who taught you?" The daughter of the sea questioned.


Percy looked at his expression. "Mikael taught you?"

He nodded. "He wasn't very gentle about it either."

The sea green eyed girl approached him. She gently took the sword from him and placed it on a small table that was on the patio.

Turning back to him, she loosely wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. Klaus' hands rested on her waist.

"You know..." her words came out soft, "My previous stepdad wasn't so great either."

Klaus' blue eyes stared into her own as he listened.

Continuing, she spoke, "My current stepdad is awesome. But before him, my mom was with this guy named Gabe." She gazed into his comforting eyes. "He was an alcoholic and he would get so aggressive." Percy's voice was quiet. "Especially with me and my mom."

The hybrid looked at her in concern. "Did he hurt you?" He asked gently.

The demigod nodded slightly.

Klaus hated the idea of anyone ever hurting her. He felt that out of everyone in the world, she deserved pain the least.

"I'm so sorry, love."

The raven haired beauty shook her head. "Don't be." She sent him a small smile and gently placed her hand on his cheek.

Despite how much time had passed for both individuals since they dealt with abuse, the hybrid and demigod found some comfort knowing that they had each other.

The two stared deeply into each other's eyes. The shared experiences somehow made them feel even closer.

Percy leaned in and kissed his cheek. Pulling back with a small smile, she looked up at him. "Do you wanna learn some tricks with the sword? I'll teach you."

The corners of his mouth rose up slightly.

"Sure, love."


Rebekah sent a message to Percy informing her that she was working with Elena in search of Katherine and the cure.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now