Chapter 47: Proposing or Praying

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Percy sat on a chair with Estelle on her lap. The two year old held a small container filled with original cheerios. She picked up a piece of the cereal one by one before bringing them to her mouth.

The demigod adored her little sister and loved watching her do basic things.

Sally was laying on a hospital bed. Paul was standing over her, trying to make sure she was okay. "Do you want any water? I can get some more."

Percy's mom smiled softly. "I'm fine, dear. I think we have enough water." She gestured to a nearby table covered with water bottles and other snacks.

"Can I get you anything else?" He offered.

Sally made a sound of amusement. "No, I'm alright." The doctors had her on pain medication.

The sea green eyed girl had already used water to heal the soft tissue damage her mom had, but fixing broken ribs and whiplash was harder to take care of. The doctor recommended that she get lots of rest, since there wasn't a medical procedure for broken ribs.

Estelle handed her empty container to Percy. "All gone."

Percy took the container and set it down on a small table beside them.

"Tank you," Estelle said with a cute smile. Sometimes, she still struggled with the 'th' sound.


Rudy walked up to the pair. Estelle clapped and giggled. "Doggy!" She held out her tiny baby hand and gently pat the puppy's head.

Rudy's tail wagged. He was very gentle around the young girl.


➳ ➳ ➳

The next two days passed by. Sally got a lot of rest and Percy got to spend a lot of time playing with Estelle.

It was late at night. The daughter of the sea was standing outside of their apartment building, feeling the cool wind blow by.

Sally had already been discharged from the hospital, and was instructed to get plenty of rest.

Her family was trying to sleep inside, but the demigod didn't feel like sleeping.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket. After hesitating for a moment, she turned on the device.

The phone screen lit up, revealing countless missed calls, texts, and voicemails.

Percy pressed her lips together in a thin line.


Annabeth and the Mikaelson siblings had attempted to reach out to her multiple times. The raven haired beauty noticed the name that appeared the most was one original in particular.

Klaus sent many texts and left numerous voicemails.

She skimmed through a few of the text messages. Percy then decided to click on one of the voicemails. Turning the volume up on her phone, she held the device up to her ear.

She heard the hybrid's British accent. "If you didn't want to murder me before, you probably do now. I'm pretty sure I've left over forty voicemails."

"It's just that this is the closest thing I have of actually talking to you. And it seems I can't function without you." He took a deep breath. "I understand if you hate me."

"But, love, I need you to know that I'm sorry. And I need you know that I do care for you."

The voicemail ended. Percy pulled the phone away from her ear and clicked on another voicemail. She couldn't help it.

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now