Chapter 9: Blue coke

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Stefan threw darts dipped in wolfsbane at the werewolf. Ray was chained to the wall at the bar.

The demigod and the hybrid were now sitting next to each other in a booth.

"Favorite drink?" Klaus asked her.

Percy replied, "Blue coke."

"I didn't know they made blue coke."

"They don't, sadly. But you can always add food dye."

Klaus raised an eyebrow, "Do you add blue food dye to other foods?"

"Yup. Cookies, cake, pancakes and whatever else I can think of." Percy responded.

The hybrid smiled. "Huh. I never thought to add food dye to those things."

"You cook?" The demigod questioned.

The blond chuckled, "Yes, and I like to think I'm quite good at it."

Percy grinned, "Then you should definitely add food dye. It makes it more fun."

She repeated the original question back at him. "What about you? What's your favorite drink?"

A devilish smirk appeared on his face. Percy continued, "A non-blood drink."

"Hm. I guess whiskey."

The demigod shook her head. "Alcohol is nasty."

Klaus was amused by the statement. "Have you tried alcohol, love?"

Percy shook her head again. "No. Don't have to."

He raised an eyebrow, "Then, how do you know it's gross?"

She shrugged. "I just do." The raven haired beauty slid out of the booth. Percy tried not to let thoughts of Gabe enter her mind.

She walked up to the bar and asked for a water. Klaus leaned on the bar next to her. His eyes roamed over her face. "There's a reason you don't like it."

Percy became defensive. Her fists clenched and the demigod scoffed slightly. She didn't want to explain herself to him. Stepping away from the bar, she wandered over to Stefan.

"Wow, you're choosing my company over his. He must have annoyed you. How's it feel?" The younger Salvatore analyzed the demigod.

Percy picked up the dart in his hand and threw it at the vampire. He easily caught it. "Someone's grumpy." He repeated the same words she said to him not to long ago in the car.

She stuck her tongue out at him.

The sea green eyed girl spotted Rudy on the couch and joined him. After she placed the dog on her lap, Percy looked through her phone.

Someone sat down on the sofa next to her. The demigod didn't need to look to know who it was.

"I didn't mean to upset you, love." A beautiful British voice spoke.

Percy glanced up at him. Their eyes immediately locked.

"I know," she said softly. She sent him an apologetic look.

The werewolf groaned from across the room. The sea green eyed girl looked over. "Do you think he's ever going to tell us the location of the pack?"

Klaus looked over in the same direction. "I'm sure Stefan will be able to convince him."

A woman walked up to the hybrid. "Mr. Klaus."

SEA GREEN MEETS GOLD (N.M. & P.J.)Where stories live. Discover now