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In the dimly lit living room of Kaden's house, the cold floor sent shivers up my spine as I slipped off my shoes. Just as I was about to inquire about my mother's present, Kaden's soft lips met mine, catching me off guard. Swiftly, he lifted me off the ground, and I instinctively wrapped my arms and legs around him, feeling an electric connection in that embrace.

Time seemed to fade away as we kissed passionately, a moment so intoxicating that I lost myself in his touch. Eventually, he lowered me down, and with a gentle smile, he removed my hoodie, hinting at the direction our night was heading. In a hushed voice, I questioned the intensity of the situation, unsure if we were ready for what might come next.

With a self-assured smirk, Kaden replied, the confidence evident in his eyes, that this was indeed the perfect moment. As he casually tossed my hoodie aside, I felt the weight of his desire push me against the sturdy bookshelf, a perfect blend of excitement and nervousness engulfing me.

A gasp from across the room startled us, and we turned to see Amanda, Kaden's mother, standing there, wide-eyed and surprised by our intimate display. Instantly embarrassed, I quickly covered myself, hoping to conceal any revealing glimpses.

Amanda broke the awkward silence with a teasing remark, confirming her suspicions about our feelings for each other. Kaden's reaction was an exasperated groan, and I couldn't help but smile, despite my mortification. Kaden's blush was evident, and he ran his hands through his hair, searching for composure in the midst of this unexpected encounter.

Apologizing, Amanda explained that she hadn't anticipated us walking in on her. With a chuckle, she tried to lighten the mood, making the situation slightly less awkward.

I retrieved my hoodie from the floor and clumsily put it back on, eager to make my exit after such an eventful evening. "I'm going to go," I said, attempting to smile despite my lingering embarrassment. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye, Nai," Kaden replied, his smile offering reassurance amid the awkwardness.

"Bye," I said, hesitating for a moment before adding, "the present?" I glanced at him, and he casually strolled over to the alcohol cabinet. If I go back empty handed my sister will suspect something.

"Umm, have more," he grinned, playfully avoiding the topic.

I laughed at his cheeky response, "Oh, look at you, wine and a bottle of Jack Daniels," I said, playfully teasing him before finally leaving, feeling a mix of emotions as I stepped out into the night, the lingering taste of our shared kiss still on my lips. Little did I know that this moment would be etched in my heart as the beginning of a new chapter in our story.


As Nai left, I turned to my mom with a mixture of embarrassment and frustration written all over my face. "Mom, you could have said you were here," I ran my hands through my hair, trying to compose myself after the unexpected intrusion.

"Well, I didn't expect my son to walk in with his best friend and start kissing," she sighed, her disappointment evident in her voice.

"We did, okay? It just happened," I responded, my frustration clear.

Concern etched on her face, she broached a sensitive topic, "Were you going to use protection?"

"Mom, obviously, I don't want a kid right now, so yes," I retorted, feeling a bit annoyed at her prying.

A hint of sadness crept into her expression as she remarked, "You don't want to make me a grandma?"

"I do, but just not yet. I'm not ready," I sighed, feeling the weight of my own uncertainty about the future.

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