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Last night, Kaden and I returned to his house at 2 am, hoping to get an early start for school. As the morning sun slowly illuminated the room, I found myself wide awake while Kaden still slept soundly. Deciding not to waste any time, I slipped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Once ready, I stepped out to find him still lost in dreamland.

"Kaden, wake up! We have school," I gently tapped his shoulder.

His response was a sleepy mumble, "Go away."

I rolled my eyes, feeling the pressure of time weighing on my shoulders. "Kaden, I'm not going to be late because of you. They've implemented new security measures, and I'm curious to see what they've planned for this year," I groaned in frustration.

With a smirk, he finally stirred and got up, making his way to the bathroom. I couldn't help but notice he was taking longer than usual, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

Descending the stairs, I found Kaden's parents engaged in conversation. "Good morning," I greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning, Naomi," his dad responded warmly.

His mother seemed surprised, "Good morning! I didn't know you stayed the night."

"I apologize for not telling you earlier. My mom locked the door, so I couldn't get in, and Kaden told me to stay over," I explained quickly.

"It's alright, we don't mind at all," his dad reassured me, a noticeable change in his demeanor.

Just then, little Bella ran up to me. "Hey, Bella," I greeted her with a smile as she embraced me in a hug.

"I missed you! Do you want to see my painting?" she asked eagerly.

"Of course, I'd love to see it," I replied, taking her hand as we made our way to the kitchen, filled with anticipation for what the day had in store for us.

Kaden's POV
As the morning sun filtered through the curtains, I knew I needed something to push me through the day – so, yes, I had taken some drugs. The meth coursed through my veins, and it felt like a much-needed lifeline to keep me going.

I trudged downstairs to find my parents in the kitchen. "Morning," I mumbled, attempting to keep up appearances.

"Morning," my dad responded, seemingly unaware of what I was dealing with.

Trying to shake off the haze in my mind, I called out to Naomi, "Let's go." I grabbed my car keys, my lifeline, and glanced at my mom's plate of food, my stomach churning with conflicting emotions.

Summoning a half-hearted smile, I approached my mom and grabbed a piece of toast. "Thanks, mom," I managed to utter, and she chuckled softly. In the kitchen, Naomi appeared, accompanied by little Bella.

"Why do you have to go?" Bella's innocent question tugged at my heartstrings.

"Because I've got school, bells," I replied, my voice tinged with both affection and frustration.

"Kaden, can you pick Bella up from school today?" my mom requested.

"Uhhh, sure," I agreed, the weight of responsibility adding to the pressure I was already feeling. Without another word, Naomi and I headed out, her presence a comforting anchor in the tumultuous sea of my thoughts..

We walked into the school building and i saw a line of people.

I saw jamie running through the hallway past people, i let go of Naomi's hand and walked up to Jamie.

"Dude I've taken so many drugs over the weekend i can't piss in a fucking cup" Jamie said whispering but spoke quickly.

"Me either" i whispered.

"Wait what seriously" he looked at me, "don't tell me you're addicted again" he whispered.

"Yeah ever since, the accident that happened i-uh I've been taking meth again" i whispered.

"Does Naomi know" he whispered.

"No and she won't find out" i smiled and we hid in the toilets and waited for everyone to take their drug tests.

I got a text from Naomi


Did you get tested
I didn't see you

Yeah i did
cut the que with Jamie
We had to go to coach

Oh okay
see you tonight :)

See you tonight :)

I put my phone in my pocket and took the pills from Jamie.

"You know if you take these you'll lose complete focus today for straight hours and those things make you sweat like a bitch" he said.

"I know Jamie, I've sold these" i smiled and put one in my mouth and gave the bag to Jamie.

"Good right" he smiled.

"Yeah" i whispered and walked outside. I saw everyone talking in the walkway, I'll admit everything sounds louder than usual.

I walked to class and sat down, i looked at the teacher as she talked and it looked like she was speaking nonsense.

After thirty minutes of not understanding a word my teacher was saying i walked into the cafeteria and saw Jamie, he looked messed up too.

I walked over to him and felt someone bang into me, it was Adam.

*Warning drug use*

"Watch where you're going" he said.

"What did you just say" i said angrily, i couldn't fight, I'm off my head.

"I said watch where the fu-" i punched him in his head in front of everyone and he fell to the floor, Jamie came up and started kicking him with me and i spat on him.

I looked up and saw everyone looking at me. "What are you fucking looking at" i said to everyone.

I walked out the cafeteria and ran into Naomi.

"Kaden are you okay, your pupils look dilated" she said and i touched her face with my hand and felt my eyesight blur.

"Kaden" she said and i bit my lip and put my face to hers.

"Kaden you're really hot, are you getting sick" she whispered and i squished her cheeks together and let her face go.

I felt my mouth get dry and i walked away from her and felt her pulling my arm back and i ignored her. I walked to the bathroom and locked the stall.

I sat on the toilet seat and felt my head get hot, i looked in my backpack and took out the syringe and string.

i wrapped the string around my arm tightly and inserted the drug slowly into my arm.

"Fuck" i whispered and took it out slowly.

"Kaden are you in here, it's Jamie" i heard him say.

I threw the syringe in my backpack and licked my thumb and wiped the tiny bit of blood that was on my inner arm.

I saw Jamie look into the stall and i pulled my hoodie over my arm.

"What Jamie" i looked at him.

"Naomi is looking for you, she's going crazy she heard that we beat up Adam" he said.

I felt myself sweating and my hair was slightly damp, i walked out the stall and looked at my pupils, they were huge.

"Woah you've got big pupils" he said and i looked at his eyes.

"You've got big ones too" i whispered and he touched my face and i slapped him, "bitch" he said and i laughed.

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