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As I stood there, I couldn't shake the guilt gnawing at me. I never meant a word of what I said to her, but I had to play the part, hurt her mentally, so she'd release her grip on me. My freedom depended on it, and I yearned to break free. Exiting the school gates, I spotted Jamie leaning against his car, waiting for me. He tossed a pack of cigarettes my way, and without a second thought, I hopped into his car.

"So, are we really doing this?" Jamie inquired, uncertainty evident in his voice. "And is it even worth the money?"

Money. It seemed irrelevant to me at that moment. "I don't care about the money, Jamie," I retorted, frustration creeping into my tone. "Just drive, okay?".

Jamie's POV

As we arrived at the house, the pungent aroma of weed filled the air, and I glanced at Kaden, who concealed himself beneath a black hoodie. My heart raced as I witnessed him pull out a gun from his pocket, and my instincts urged me to accompany him inside.

"No, you wait here," he ordered with an air of urgency.

"What? No, dude, you're not going alone," I protested, my concern overriding any hesitation.

"Just stay in the fucking car, Jamie," he snapped, determination etched into his features. And with that, he strode into the house, leaving me anxiously waiting in the idling car.

As I checked my phone, Naomi's messages bombarded me. She suspected something, and my conscience pushed me to tell her the truth - that Kaden had gone to Alexis' house, some girl he was involved with. The ensuing conversation with Naomi became tense, her emotions raw and laid bare, questioning if Kaden cared about her anymore. I tried to assuage her doubts, but the truth was evident, and I could hear it in my words: they were probably together, right at that moment.

The weight of the situation pressed upon me as I turned off my phone and ran my hands through my hair in frustration. My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Kaden rushing towards the car, blood staining his clothes. Without hesitation, I opened the door, and he hopped in, his face clenched in pain.

"Drive the fucking car," he commanded, brandishing the gun, and I obeyed, speeding away to my house.

Concerned for his well-being, I glanced at his bleeding arm, offering to get him medical help. But stubborn as always, he insisted he was fine. I watched in disbelief as he extracted the bullet from his arm with tweezers, and I handed him alcohol to clean the wound.

He groaned in pain as he sewed up the injury, and I couldn't help but look away, unable to witness the agony he endured. My mind drifted to Naomi, and I mustered the courage to tell Kaden about her texts. I recounted how I'd lied, telling her he was with a girl named Alexis, and he sighed heavily, claiming he would handle it.

Once the ordeal was over, I threw my car keys at him, acknowledging that he could be reckless, but he was still my best friend, and I'd be there for him no matter what.


Kaden's POV

I approached Naomi's house cautiously, the anticipation of seeing her again building up inside me. As the door unlocked, there she stood, wearing a robe that barely concealed her beauty. "Go away," she snapped, slamming the door shut. I sighed, concealing the gun tucked into my pants.

Determined to protect her, I circled around to the back of the house, discovering the door unlocked. Clearly, she's forgetful when it comes to securing her home. I sneaked upstairs, following the sound of the TV. Quietly opening her room door, I couldn't help but admire her in a sports bra and shorts, though I knew I needed to focus on the task at hand.

Our eyes met, and she looked away, her attitude evident. "Why are you here, Kaden?" she questioned, annoyance tainting her words. I smirked, "You're looking for me, aren't you?" I removed my hoodie, carefully placing my gun wrapped in it on the floor, safety engaged.

She erupted in frustration, accusing me of spending time with Alexis. I chuckled at her jealousy, unable to resist teasing her. "I hate you," she declared angrily.

"Who doesn't?" I retorted playfully, pushing her buttons a little further. Her response was a threat of finding someone better, to which I couldn't resist a teasing challenge. "Then why haven't you?" I prodded, a smirk forming on my lips.

Ignoring my question, she focused on the movie, trying to brush me off. But I couldn't let her go so easily. "Naomi," I called, repeating her name until she finally acknowledged me in frustration.

"What?" she snapped, and I couldn't help but step closer to her. "You look so hot when you're angry," I said, my smirk widening, fully aware of the effect I had on her.

Naomi's POV

In the dimly lit room, the tension between us was palpable. I despised the way he looked at me, that infuriating smirk never leaving his face. "If you don't stop looking at me, I will-" my words trailed off as he interrupted me, crossing his arms with a cocky grin. With every step, I could see his defined muscles through his shirt, making my heart race.

He pushed me onto the bed, and I found myself trapped under his grip. The nerves consumed me; everything he did made me uneasy. Struggling to find my voice, I hesitated before finally speaking up, "Or—I'll never talk to you again." But his smirk remained unchanged.

"Then leave me," he challenged, his eyes narrowing, testing my resolve.

"Okay," I responded defiantly, summoning my strength to push him away, even though it was difficult. In a fit of frustration, I couldn't resist slapping him across his face, yet he seemed to welcome the gesture, tauntingly encouraging me to do it again.

"Come on, Naomi, do it again," he teased, savoring my fiery expressions. "You're only giving me what I want, and you're hot when you make those angry expressions," he added playfully.

Stunned by his audacity, I stood up, but he swiftly pushed me against the wall, trapping me once more. His lips met mine with an intensity that left me breathless as he slammed me against the wall.

The moment was electric, our lips locking in a fierce battle of desire and defiance. His mouth was both demanding and tender, and I couldn't help but lose myself in the sensation. The world around us faded, leaving only the pulsating heat between us. Our bodies pressed together, the friction igniting a wildfire of emotions within me.

My fingers traced the contours of his face, feeling the subtle roughness of his unshaven jaw. His scent enveloped me, a heady mix of musk and cologne that made my heart race even faster. His grip on my waist tightened, pulling me closer, our bodies molded together in a dance of passion and rebellion.

I could feel his heart beating against mine, each thump echoing the intoxicating rhythm of the moment. My breath hitched as he nipped at my lower lip, teasing and urging me on. His touch set my skin ablaze, and I found myself responding with fervor, melting into the kiss.

Time seemed to stand still as our mouths moved as one, exploring and claiming each other in a fiery embrace. It was a tumultuous mixture of emotions, a tug-of-war between hatred and desire. But as our lips molded together, I couldn't deny the electric chemistry that surged between us.

The world outside ceased to exist, leaving us suspended in this tempestuous moment. Every nerve in my body was alive with sensation, and the taste of him lingered on my lips like an intoxicating elixir. In that instant, I surrendered to the intoxicating pull, allowing myself to be consumed by the whirlwind of emotions that bound us together.

As the kiss finally broke, we both gasped for air, our eyes locking in a raw exchange of emotions. The room seemed to hum with electricity, the air heavy with unspoken desires. The sensation of the soft sheets beneath me heightened the intensity, and I watched him as he removed his shirt, his lips moving slowly down my neck, sending shivers through my body. With my hands tangled in his hair, I found myself eagerly awaiting the next move,

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