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As I lay beside her, I breathed in the sweet scent of honey and vanilla that enveloped Naomi. It was her unique fragrance, perfectly complementing her beauty, even as she slept peacefully.

As much as I tried to hide it from myself, the truth was undeniable—I was deeply in love with her. But for now, I focused on the intense desire that surged through me whenever she was near, longing for every part of her in every possible way.

Her brown eyes fluttered open, and I couldn't help but be captivated by their warmth, like a pool of honey. "Hey," she greeted with a sweet, raspy voice. Her morning voice drove me crazy, making my heart skip a beat.

Her hand traced a slow path down towards my abs, and the skin-to-skin contact sent shivers down my spine. Struggling to keep myself in control, I seized her wrist and pinned it above her head.

"Behave," I whispered, and she smirked in response. She enjoyed the idea of me taking charge, relishing the feeling of being controlled.

Leaning closer, our noses almost touching, I began to kiss her neck, and I heard her gasp. I was obsessed with her, every inch of her body ignited a passion in me that I couldn't contain.

Her moans filled the room, and I opened my eyes, realizing the power I had over her. I was the one driving her wild, and it thrilled me.

"I've got to go see Jake; I'll be back soon," I whispered.

"Okay," she sighed, a soft moan escaping her lips.

- -

I returned to my room to find a tipsy Naomi clad in red lace underwear and a bra, looking undeniably beautiful. My heart sank at the sight of her drinking.

"Why have you been drinking?" I sighed, concerned as I removed my hoodie.

"Because you left me," she slurred, pointing at herself.

I guided her to my bathroom, shaking my head at her drunken antics.

"You're so hot," she whispered, and I chuckled, brushing her teeth for her as she giggled.

"Umm, just lay down," I suggested, gently carrying her to my bed.

"Let's do something fun," she smirked, kissing my neck, and my body responded despite my resolve. I had to control myself; she was drunk, and I couldn't risk going further.

"Please," she whispered, her lips tantalizingly close to mine. I hesitated, struggling to resist her tempting offer.

"Go to sleep," I said firmly, pulling away.

"No," she pouted playfully.

"Naomi, go to sleep. It's one in the morning," I urged.

"Make me," she teased, but I decided it was best to leave the room.

Downstairs, I tried to distract myself by preparing some mac and cheese. But I heard her footsteps, and there she was again, clad in only her underwear and bra.

"God, Naomi, put some clothes on; my aunt's here," I whispered, worried about what my aunt might think.

"Why should I put them on?" she smirked, getting closer and teasingly running her finger from my chest to my abs.

"Naomi, please," I whispered, but her advances persisted, and I found myself putting my hands on her hips as she giggled.

"Have some fun," she whispered, making it even harder to resist her.

Her lips looked so soft and inviting, and my mind went to dark places I knew I couldn't explore with her in this state.

"Please kiss me," she begged, inches from my face, and I kissed her slowly, feeling her hands around my neck. But I stopped myself, trying to be responsible.

"Why'd you stop?" she whined.

"Because you're drunk," I whispered.

"But I want you," she confessed, making it even more difficult to resist.

"You can have all of me when you're not drunk," I said firmly.

Before things could escalate further, my aunt walked in, and I quickly turned my attention to the mac and cheese, pretending that we had just woken up.

As Naomi fell asleep later, I held her close, feeling her warmth and the softness of her skin against mine. I resisted the temptation to go further, knowing that she needed to be clear-headed when we shared such intimate moments. For now, I just held her close, savoring the precious time we had together.

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