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As I entered my house, I could hear my mom talking on the phone. "Yeah, thank you. He's just walked in," she concluded the call and turned her attention to me, her expression tinged with disappointment.

"Where have you been?" she inquired, concerned about my whereabouts.

"I was out with Naomi," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"At Ava's?" she probed further.

"Yeah," I lied, not wanting to reveal the truth about our adventurous night.

"Bella wanted to see you today," my mom mentioned, moving around the kitchen as she put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Well, I stink of smoke, and I don't want her smelling that," I explained, avoiding Bella's innocent curiosity.

"Will you stop smoking those things? I'm worried about your health," she expressed concern, her maternal instincts kicking in.

"I'm fine, Mom," I reassured her, trying to brush off her worries with a laugh.

"Will you babysit Bella tomorrow night? Your dad wants me to meet one of his colleagues," she requested, referring to my younger sister.

"Do I have to?" I sighed, feeling slightly put out by the idea.

"Kaden, I will literally pay you to watch your own sister," she joked, trying to convince me.

"Okay, can Naomi come over?" I asked, eager to have her by my side.

"Yes, but promise me something," my mom smiled, her expression becoming more serious.

"Promise you what?" I chuckled, wondering what she had in mind.

"She can stay over, but please promise me you won't have sex at all," she said, and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, I promise," I agreed, not wanting to argue with her.

"Kaden, promise me," she insisted, her eyes fixed on mine.

"Okay, okay," I said, playfully crossing my heart. "I promise I won't penetrate my girlfriend wit-" Before I could finish, she threw her slipper at me, and I groaned.

"Mom," I protested, but her laughter drowned out my complaints.

"Kaden, that's disgusting," she laughed, finding my antics amusing.

"That's what it is, and don't act like you haven't, because you've got two kids," I smirked, teasing her.

"I should've had a daughter," she smiled, reminiscing.

"Good night, Mom. Love you," I said with a laugh, escaping to my room to end our playful banter for the night.


As the clock struck 11 pm, the soft glow of moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting shadows across the room. My mom's gentle voice filled the air, informing me that Naomi would be arriving soon, and that Bella, my little sister, was taking a nap. "Make her lunch once she wakes up, love you," she said, her smile warm and comforting.

I replied with a groan, still feeling the weight of sleep pulling at my eyelids. "Love you," I mumbled, watching her leave with a mix of fatigue and anticipation.

Minutes later, Naomi's figure appeared at the door, and I instinctively placed a cigarette between my lips, signaling to her that I'd be right there. Stepping into the backyard, I ignited the cigarette, the ember casting a faint glow on my contemplative face. Naomi was on the phone, seemingly preoccupied, while also handling a pan - probably making lunch for Bella.

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